Dear Parents,
I hope you have all had a restful, safe and relaxing block break.
I am delighted to confirm that all students will be able to return on site on Monday 12th April.
Safety Guidance Procedures
In addition to our current Health & Safety procedures, we will adhere to model C of the government guidance, with the following procedures in place from Monday 12th April for our students:
- Students will be grouped into 'bubbles' and will remain in their designated bubble during their school day.
- Zones will be allocated outside for these bubbles during break times.
- Specialist classrooms, including PE, will be used one cohort at a time and well ventilated throughout the day.
- Assembly Hall will be used one cohort at a time and well ventilated throughout the day.
- Students continue to be advised against attending school should they feel unwell.
- Lunches will continue to be eaten in the home rooms.
Our mask guidance for all staff and students from the NIJZ remains as follows:

BISL is an 'Outstanding' school
Since 2008, every 3-4 years, our school has completed the process of an external school inspection and received an overall rating.
For the first time in the history of the school, we have been rated ‘Outstanding’ overall following our recent BSO inspection by PENTA International, accredited by the British Government. Furthermore, we are incredibly proud to announce that our school has been awarded the rating of 'Outstanding in every category'.

Thank you to those parents who have already been in touch to share their congratulations with us, it is very much appreciated.
With such fantastic students, a dedicated team of professionals, and your continued support, this achievement is something that our community truly deserves.
Click here to read the official announcement, which includes the full inspection report covering all areas of the school.
Coffee Morning Overview
Thank you to those parents who were able to join me this morning for our monthly virtual Coffee with the Principal.
Here are the points that we covered:
Thank you to all parents for your help during Term 2. We return on Monday 12th April as per guidance (see details above).
BSO Inspection we are delighted that the British International School of Ljubljana is an Outstanding school.
Building updates facade finished, floors finished, internal doors installed this week, painting and floor tiles have been started this week. I visited the site on 07.04, reviewing the progress inside the building and also the new car parking areas. Look out for an announcement next week with more details about this.
Block theme: Block 6 is celebrating Science. Competitions, celebrations and events are planned throughout the Block.
Student articles on the Website - Student Voice: Narrative Writing at A Level, BISL Story competition winners, Student Voice: Year 10 book review, Student Voice: Book Reviews for World Book Day. Enjoy these over a cup of tea or coffee under our News section.
Return to School - As mentioned in the section above, we look forward to our students returning on Monday 12 April. As always, this is reviewed daily and direct contact with the Ministry is maintained for up-to-date guidance.
Extended Supervision - starting on Monday 12 April for EY and Year 1 until 4.30pm.
International Days - A series of events we are very much looking forward to, extended to 4 days to enrich our community, through a celebration of cultures, traditions, food, music, dance, presentations, activities, and more from 11th May through to 14th May. More information can be found here.

Vaccinations - Our first group of staff have had their COVID vaccinations on Saturday March 27th, a very smooth process, further vaccinations for our staff continue in April through groups and private doctors.
Easter Donations Drive- Thank you to everyone for your generous donations for this initiative, and to our PTA for coordinating the project. Your donations have gone a long way to helping families in need during the Easter period.
Driving Safely and Slowly in the School Car Park - Thank you to all parents who are following the safety information in the car park from the last update from the Principal. This has made a huge difference.
The speed limit in the school car park in 20km/h, please drive slowly and safely to ensure the health and safety of our community.

When leaving the main road (on which the speed limit is 30 km/h) the speed limit must be reduced to 20 km/h around the school car park. All parents need to follow this to ensure the safety of others. We have regular police presence at the entrance of the school campus to support, observe and protect our community. Let's work together on this to keep everyone safe.
All School Events - Available on our website in the Events section.

School Calendar 2021-22 - Our academic calendar for 2021-2022 is now available on our website under the School Life section.
After School Activities - Information will be sent out soon regarding after school activities starting Monday 19th April, which will include:
Music lessons (ABRSM).
PE (Running, Football, Basketball and Multisport Fitness).
Homework clubs (Primary and Secondary).
Dance club
Junior Duke for Primary and MEPI (Duke of Edinburgh) for Secondary.
German club
Slovene (Mastery club)
Art club
Extended supervision for EY and Year 1 will continue to 4.30pm.
Further clubs will be added throughout the Block. As a parent, if you are interested in helping out at a club or would like to run a certain club yourself, please email me with details so that we can collate these ideas and put them together for our community. All volunteers must have background checks before clubs are approved by BISL.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.
Kind regards,
Paul Walton
Previous Updates
- March 26 - Block 5 Roundup and Car Park Safety
- March 19 - Spring at BISL, Shakespeare Week and Alumni Visit
- March 12 - Updates from the Coffee Morning
- March 5 - Year 10 - 12 Staggered Start Plans
- February 26 - New Teaching & Learning Resources
- February 19 - Pust Celebrations
- February 12 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- February 10 - Block 4 Update
- February 5 - Exam Revision Update
- January 29 - Drop Off Reminders, Testing for Teachers
- January 22 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- January 15 - BISL Strengths, Upcoming events, Parent Survey
- January 8 - New Year's Updates from the Coffee Morning
- January 2 - Operating Procedures ahead of Term 2
- December 18 – Holiday Message
- December 11 - Early Years Show, BISL Art Exhibition & Upcoming Events
- December 4 - Coffee Morning update
- December 3 - First Snow and Outdoor Fun
- November 27 - Upcoming Events
- November 20 - PTA Committee Welcome, Facilities News
- November 6 - Founder's Day, Operating procedures
- October 30 - Halloween celebrations, positive feedback
- October 23 - Measures in place
- October 16 – Transition to online learning
- October 10 - Coffee Morning
- September 25 - House Day, MEPI, Adventure Days
- September 20 - Safety Guidance and reminders
- September 11 – Safety Guidance, BISL Vision & Learning Walks
- September 4 - Safety Guidance & BISL Values
- August 28 - Safety Guidance and Drop off & Pick up Procedures
- August 19 - Staff Training Week
- August 13 - Summer Update