Dear Parents,
Thank you to all parents who have filled in the annual Parent Survey. I really appreciate your feedback and as the survey will close soon, I look forward to us analysing the results and sharing them out to parents. You will have received the link to the survey in your inboxes already. This survey enables me to pass on your gratitude to the staff mentioned in your comments, your praise for teachers and also helps to give us areas we can continue to work on and develop as a school. All comments are warmly received and valued, thank you.
Please check our BISL reopening procedures for any FAQs that you may have about the transition back into school.
Further information of the plan for our returning classes will be emailed to parents individually and we will continue to review this provision daily. This will involve our usual high standards of hygiene, health and safety guidance, and the use of small class sizes.
All teachers will be required to wear masks in the classroom.
At BISL, we are following the guidance to test all teachers (showing a negative test) before they teach on site and will continue to do so on a regular weekly basis or until guidance changes.
On site learning will continue on Monday for those year groups that have safely transitioned back to the building this week. As a private school, our teachers working with children on site will be tested on Monday afternoon, after the school day is concluded, in line with guidance from the government. Many of our staff are at home, teaching their year groups through remote learning, and will continue to do so until those year groups can safely transition back on site.
Drop off and Pick up reminders
- Drop off is from 7.15am and pick up starts at 2.45pm.
- Use the normal drop off zone outside the main entrance.
- Stay in your car as staff will assist to keep this as safe, efficient and quick as possible.
- If collecting students on foot, please use the walkways indicated by the cones.
- Name signs have been distributed this week for parents to display inside the windscreen to help staff with pick up of students at the end of the day.
- Please avoid parking up and reversing into traffic. The drop off procedure is there for the safety of all students.
- Please avoid taking masks off and speaking to other families in groups. We all need to maintain safe distancing and follow the guidance from the ministry. Let's continue working together.
Coffee with the Principal

Join me next Friday, 5th February, from 9:30am on Zoom for our next virtual Coffee Morning.
Of course, these coffee mornings are best when we can meet each other in person and although video conferencing and webinars are great tools, nothing will replace the feeling of those parent interactions when you visit the school safely and experience the buzz from our students working as you make your way to the Assembly Hall for these coffee mornings. We look forward to being able to revert back to this as soon as the guidance allows us to do so safely. In the meantime, this has been scheduled as an online event - if this changes, you'll be notified accordingly.
Teacher Feature

In celebration of our Languages block, this week’s Teacher Feature introduces our Head of Modern Foreign Languages and Slovene Teacher, Ms Košec. Do have a read of this lovely interview, and as they say in Slovene, uživajte!
Upcoming Events
Monday 1st February - Cultural Day Celebration with the languages department
Tuesday 2nd February - House Competition with Mr. Damjan
Thursday 4th February - Virtual Open Day (in Slovene): Spletni informativni dan
Friday 5th February - Coffee with the Principal / Dress Down day (House colours)
Monday 8th - Friday 12th February - Block Break
Monday 15th February - Block 5 Begins
Tuesday 16th February- Pust Celebration
Thursday 4th March - World Book Day
Friday 5th March - Coffee with the Principal
Friday 12th March - Reports Issued
Monday 15th - Friday 19th March - Parents Evening Week
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards,
Paul Walton
Previous Updates
- January 22 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- January 15 - BISL Strengths, Upcoming events, Parent Survey
- January 8 - New Year's Updates from the Coffee Morning
- January 2 - Operating Procedures ahead of Term 2
- December 18 – Holiday Message
- December 11 - Early Years Show, BISL Art Exhibition & Upcoming Events
- December 4 - Coffee Morning update
- December 3 - First Snow and Outdoor Fun
- November 27 - Upcoming Events
- November 20 - PTA Committee Welcome, Facilities News
- November 6 - Founder's Day, Operating procedures
- October 30 - Halloween celebrations, positive feedback
- October 23 - Measures in place
- October 16 – Transition to online learning
- October 10 - Coffee Morning
- September 25 - House Day, MEPI, Adventure Days
- September 20 - Safety Guidance and reminders
- September 11 – Safety Guidance, BISL Vision & Learning Walks
- September 4 - Safety Guidance & BISL Values
- August 28 - Safety Guidance and Drop off & Pick up Procedures
- August 19 - Staff Training Week
- August 13 - Summer Update