Our Primary curriculum is comprehensive, thematic and creative, with clear learning processes and specific learning goals

It is based on the English National Curriculum and enhanced through a topic-based approach. This ensures a learning programme that is academically rigorous, but is also exciting, active and meaningful for children. It encourages personal learning - cooperation, communication, resilience, thoughtfulness and respect - and promotes international mindedness – a respect and understanding of other perspectives, cultures and languages.

5 or 6-week units cover a range of themes which are relevant and appropriate for different age groups. For example, learning in Years 1 and 2 may include topics such as ‘Holidays’ or ‘Toys’ which enable children to draw on their own direct experiences. Older children study more complex topics, such as learning about ‘Weather and Climate’ or finding out about ‘The Human Body’.

The information below gives an outline of the Key Stages in Primary school and shows which Key Stage your child would be in at BISL.

Primary Curriculum