At British International School of Ljubljana, our unwavering dedication lies in safeguarding our planet through a steadfast commitment to sustainability, with a determined effort to mitigate climate change.
This commitment is led by our Principal, Mel Hitchcocks, who possesses a profound passion for the environment and endeavors to instill this very passion in our students.
Our commitment to sustainability at BISL is not just about preserving our environment; it's about nurturing responsible, conscientious citizens who'll carry this legacy into the future.
Mel HitchcocksPrincipalBISL Sustainability and
Environment initiatives
Sustainability Day
At BISL, we celebrate Sustainability Day annually. On this day, our students take charge by proposing various initiatives and then implementing them. Their efforts contribute to keeping the school environment clean, reusing many old materials, and promoting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. This hands-on experience not only boosts their environmental awareness but also showcases the power of collective action in fostering a greener future.

How our students help?
Plogging - Plogging is a form of sport made in Sweden by Erik Ahlström in 2016. It includes picking up trash while jogging. The name comes from the combination of two Swedish words: 'plockning' (plucking) and 'joggning' (jogging). Merging these two words becomes 'plogging'.

BISL Students Plogging

Take a look at some other activities from our Sustainability Day this year. We had a bike repair shop, gardening and planting herbs and flowers for bees, upcycling old clothing to make them new and usable again, using used coffee capsules to create room decorations, painting car tires and turning them into playground equipment, and so much more!
Bee Hotel and Organic Garden
Our Early Years conscientiously care for bee hotels, recognizing their crucial role in the environment. They regularly inspect and clean the compartments, monitoring for signs of occupancy. They also plant bee-friendly flora nearby, ensuring a constant food source. This active stewardship not only educates students about the significance of bees in our ecosystem but also contributes to preserving these essential pollinators and fostering a healthier, more sustainable environment.
Think before you Print
The integration of iPads and computers into the classroom environment has proven to be an eco-friendly solution by significantly reducing paper consumption. Digital tools allow students to access and complete assignments electronically, eliminating the need for printed materials. This paperless approach not only saves trees but also reduces the environmental impact of printing and distributing paper. Moreover, the ease of digital communication and collaboration enables efficient sharing of resources and information, further minimizing the demand for physical handouts. Embracing technology in education not only enhances learning but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-conscious future.

Use water fountains, not plastic bottles
The use of water fountains and reusable water bottles represents a simple yet impactful way to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles. By encouraging our students to refill their reusable bottles at water fountains, we significantly decrease the demand for single-use plastic containers. This practice not only conserves resources but also lessens the environmental burden caused by the production and disposal of disposable plastic bottles. It's a small change with a big environmental benefit, promoting sustainability and a reduction in plastic waste, one refill at a time.
All our students receive a BISL reusable bottle.

We encourage walking to school or taking the public bus
In our ongoing efforts to promote environmental responsibility, we actively encourage our students to opt for eco-friendly commuting options. Walking to school and taking the bus are not only healthier choices but also significantly reduce our carbon footprint. We've made it even more accessible by providing forms for subsidized monthly bus tickets, enabling our students to embrace sustainable transportation easily.
If you would like to apply for a subsidized bus pass, please fill in this Subsidized Pass Application formand contact the Admissions office for further documents.
Carbon neutral uniform provider
Our Uniform provider Trutex has been a carbon neutral business since 2012. As such they are the first carbon neutral company in the the industry. They also use more environmentally friendly stain repellency finish for their trousers, shorts, skirts etc.
Sustainably sourced fabrics ensure the source of the yarn is a maintained source and the impact to the environment is as low as possible. Their blazers, trousers and some style of skirts use 100% recycled post-consumer polyester and sustainably sourced viscose.

Read more about Trutex Sustainability promise on Trutex website TRUTEX.