Dear Parents,
We are very proud of how our students have embraced their online learning timetables and enjoyed the structured days with many extra videos, activities, and challenges to complete. Well done to all students for an amazing and commendable approach, application, and participation in the lessons so far.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Parent Volunteers who gave up their time on Wednesday afternoon to give our school some festive cheer by putting up wonderful decorations on the ground floor for our students and staff to enjoy - thank you.
Also, together with our Caring for the Community Team, our PTA, and our fantastic school community, once again this year we were able to participate in the Trije Zimski Botri project, giving out 150 letters in just one week - that's 150 Christmas wishes from underprivileged children fulfilled - what a brilliant showcase of our community spirit ahead of the holiday season.
Operating Procedures
Following the latest guidance announced yesterday, we are looking at another week of online learning and aim to try and get our students back into the building from Monday 7th December. We all miss the face to face interactions with our students and hope that we can welcome the students back soon.
Teacher Feature
With students joining us from all corners of the globe, our EAL team play a crucial role in our students' development. I am delighted to share with you this week's Teacher Feature, introducing the fantastic Mr Siter, who takes on the daily challenge of ensuring that our English as an Additional Language students are equipped with the necessary language tools to enable them to make the most of their time here at BISL.
Coffee with the Principal

Next Friday, December 4th at 9:30am, I invite you to join me online for another virtual coffee together as I share some current school news and topics with you, including:
- PTA Welcome
- Building Updates
- Upcoming Events
- Internationalism
You will find details of this Zoom event here.
We hope to be able to return to hosting these monthly Coffee Mornings in person as soon as safety measures allow.
Upcoming Events
All of the latest school events are listed in our weekly Newsletters and posted in our events calendar on the website where you can click on specific individual events for the upcoming block to find out more.
Reports Issued
As per the communication you will have received from the Heads of School, your child's reports will be posted on 4th December, with Parent Teacher Interviews taking place during Weeks 4 and 5 (07th-18th December).
Booking closes on Sunday 6th December, please be sure to book your interview time slots by then. Refer to this helpful guide to make your bookings.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
If you have any specific questions about the learning in your child's year group, please contact the Class Teacher/Form Tutor first.
Wishing you a safe and restful weekend.
Kind regards,
Paul Walton