Na Britanski mednarodni šoli v Ljubljani smo zelo ponosni na naše alumne, saj so študirali na nekaterih najboljših univerzah po svetu.
Letos bo že 9. generacija učencev uspešno zaključila šolanje na naši šoli in pričakujemo, da se jim bodo izpolnile njihove želje glede ciljev in izbire univerze.
A Level izpiti ostajajo zlati standard za učence, ki si želijo dostopa do univerz po vsem svetu. Učenci šolo zapustijo z odličnimi ocenami, obsežnimi priložnostmi za učenje in resnično strastjo za področja, ki jih zanimajo.Naš univerzitetni svetovalni program učence podpira čez vsa 4 leta srednje šole pri raziskovanju, načrtovanju in pripravi na univerzitetno izobraževanje. Našim učencem že zgodaj pomagamo načrtovati, tako da jim ponudimo vrsto različnih oblik podpore, predstavitev in strokovnih nasvetov, da pretehtajo najboljše možnosti zanje. Učenci lahko dosežejo izjemen napredek pri pouku z zahtevnimi, skrbno načrtovanimi lekcijami, v majhnih razredih in preko prizadevanja za odličnost pri vsakem predmetu. Šola nenehno komunicira tako z učenci kot z učitelji in starši, da bi proslavili razvoj učencev ali se po potrebi osredotočili na določena področja.
Naši alumni po svetu

Naši učenci so resnično državljani sveta in po odhodu iz Britanske mednarodne šole v Ljubljani iščejo priložnosti po celem svetu. Akademska odličnost, temeljne vrednote in celostna izobrazba, ki jjih prejmejo na šoli, jim nudijo čudovito osnovo za uspešno karierno pot.
Z veseljem ostajamo v stiku z našimi Alumni, da vidimo, kako napredujejo in jih občasno tudi povabimo na obisk, da lahko motivirajo sedanje učence na BISL-u in jim predstavijo svojo zgodbo.
V čast nam je delati s tako navdihujočimi posamezniki.
Moja akademska izkušnja in BISL sta me pripravila na to, da cenim pomembnost preizkušanja in napak med učenjem. Močna delovna etika in nenehno stremljenje za izboljšanje same sebe gre z roko v roki z uspehom.
Nika '17University of Aberdeen
Naši učitelji imajo dokazane uspehe v opolnomočenju učencev, da dosežejo izjemne akademske rezultate preko trdega dela, predanosti in izjemne podpore. To navdihuje naše učence, da sledijo svojim sanjam in se prijavijo na najboljše univerze.
Ana, Graduate of 2014
What is your current position and in which country do you work at?
I work as an undersecretary at Research, Analysis and Fiscal Governance department at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia.
How did BISL prepare you for your career?
Studying at BISL gave me the opportunity to live in a truly English-speaking environment. It also gave me the chance to learn about new cultures and bond with people from all over the world. Essay-type exams also helped me develop strong writing skills.
What skills or knowledge did you learn throughout the BISL program that you found most useful in your career?
Language, writing and communication skills.
What are you most proud of from your BISL experience?
The relationships I formed. This experience really broadened my horizon.
What is something at BISL that you absolutely loved being a part of?
An international and vibrant learning environment. Even though I didn’t like wearing uniforms at the time, I now really appreciate the idea. I also find the PTA and other extracurricular activities that bring students and their families closer together to be wonderful.
What do you know now that you wish you knew during your time at BISL?
I wish I knew that I am only at the beginning and that so many amazing things are about to happen to me.
What is your current position and in which country do you work?
I am a research fellow at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK.
How did BISL prepare you for your career?
My time at BISL sparked my interest in psychology, film, and media, which I continued to pursue throughout my undergraduate studies. BISL also taught me the importance of hard work, especially when you’re exploring something you’re passionate about. All the teachers were incredible and served as very supportive role models.
What skills or knowledge did you gain from the BISL program that have been most useful in your career?
At BISL, my classmates and I had many opportunities to develop general skills that have supported my academic and professional journeys. Some of the most valuable experiences included frequent group projects, which taught me how to work effectively as part of a team and introduced me to essential time and project management skills—things I now use daily. I also had the chance to practice public speaking and presentation skills in a safe, supportive environment, which has made these tasks far easier to tackle in my career.
What are you most proud of from your BISL experience?
As an English language learner, I’m proudest of becoming confident in using English to communicate complex ideas. This is just one of the many valuable skills I gained at BISL.
What is something at BISL that you absolutely loved being a part of?
I loved being involved in the PTA fundraising winter markets. For one of them, I gathered recipes from our vibrant school community and presented them as a printed BISL cookbook. I still use it regularly, and I know many of my classmates do, too! These events allowed students to connect with teachers and families across the school and were great moments of BISL community spirit coming together for a good cause.
What do you know now that you wish you knew during your time at BISL?
I wish I had known just how valuable it is to learn from dedicated teachers and that it’s okay not to decide on a career path right away. By following your interests and learning from others’ knowledge and passion, you can discover a career (or even multiple careers) that genuinely make you happy—something not everyone gets to experience!
What were your favorite classes, and why?
I honestly enjoyed every class, as the teachers made learning engaging and exciting. Instead of specific classes, I remember particular projects, like making a music video for Media Studies, conducting experiments for physics and biology, working on creative writing assignments for English, and even learning to play golf in PE. Hands-on projects were a part of every class, making learning fun and memorable.
Any special anecdotes from your BISL time that we should know about? 😉
There were countless moments of (perhaps too much) fun in the 6th form room during breaks, which I remember fondly. One favorite memory is from when I started my PhD at the University of Aberdeen and unexpectedly discovered four of my BISL classmates were also there. It was as if we had all been waiting to reunite thousands of kilometers from Ljubljana, five years after graduating. BISL might be a small school, but the community is so vibrant and diverse that you never know where you’ll meet fellow alumni again!
Are you still in contact with any of your classmates, and did you form lasting friendships?
Though we may not stay in touch as much as we’d like due to our diverse paths, I’m grateful that I still have the chance to catch up with some of my classmates when possible. Sharing memories of BISL always brings a smile to our faces.
Do you have any advice for current BISL students?
BISL is such a unique experience that it’s sometimes hard to realize just how valuable it is. I hope current BISL students take this time to explore their passions and interests while forming friendships. My best advice would be to keep your curiosity alive and make the most of the knowledge and passion of BISL teachers. Even the little things that might seem like a nuisance (like that fifth math homework of the week) shape us into curious, capable, and confident individuals—so make sure to enjoy them all!
Ana R, Graduate of '14BISL is such a unique experience that it’s sometimes hard to realize just how valuable it is. I hope current BISL students take this time to explore their passions and interests while forming friendships. My best advice would be to keep your curiosity alive and make the most of the knowledge and passion of BISL teachers. Even the little things that might seem like a nuisance (like that fifth math homework of the week) shape us into curious, capable, and confident individuals—so make sure to enjoy them all!
Luka '17Middlesex UniversityBISL mi je zagotovil znanje, kjer mi ga je primanjkovalo, spodbudo, ko sem jo potreboval, ter najpomembnejše – priložnost poiskati in slediti mojim ciljem na želeni univerzi v VB.