Pred nami so edinstveni izzivi ter nove izkušnje in čudovite priložnosti, da uživamo skupaj kot skupnost.
V čast mi je voditi šolo na tak način, da počasi raste in se razvija, skupaj z res predanim osebjem. Slovenija je izjemna država, z obilico naravnih znamenitosti in mirnim okoljem, ki našim učencem omogoča čudovite učne priložnosti za uspeh. Britanska mednarodna šola Ljubljana tako ponuja edinstveno izobraževalno izkušnjo – združuje tradicijo in inovativnost ter se nenehno razvija in prilagaja, da bi bolje ustrezala potrebam naših učencev.
The school is rightly proud of its fantastic record of developing students who speak multiple languages, and importantly learn to speak, read and write English to an advanced level. Aside from Modern Foreign languages, all other lessons at BISL are delivered in English, by qualified and experienced teachers. Those children who learn with us at BISL for several years regularly develop a critical proficiency level of 'academic’ English by the time they join our secondary phase. This is hugely impressive, with those boys and girls who join BISL in our Early Years Foundation Stage (2+ years onwards) very often achieving the best results in public examinations, as well as in the areas of sports, arts and music when they reach 16 to 18 years of age at the very top of our school. Indeed, many receive local, national and international honours and awards on the back of their hard work and commitment.
This evolution of BISL's youngest children into extremely impressive young adults is a direct result of the care, attention and professionalism of the staff. At BISL we recognise the challenges faced by children and their families and we understand the need for a strong, open, supportive and cohesive partnership between individual, home and school. When all parts and components work together then great things happen!