Dear Parents,
Following the news of primary schools and final year of high schools restarting on Monday 15th February in Slovenia, please find out key information below regarding our plans to transition students safely back to the building.
We are delighted with this news and look forward to welcoming our students back into the building, learning with one another, and enjoying face to face lessons.
During this block break, we have had another deep clean and have been working hard to ensure that our excellent hygiene standards have been maintained.
Further information of the plan for our returning classes will be emailed to parents individually and we will continue to review this provision daily. This will involve our usual high standards of hygiene, health and safety guidance, and the use of small class sizes where necessary.
All teachers will be required to wear masks in the classroom.
At BISL, we are following the guidance to test all teachers (showing a negative test) before they teach on site and will continue to do so on a regular weekly basis or until guidance changes.
Health and Safety Guidance/School procedures
- Ongoing daily clean
- Declaration Form for students will be needed upon return before entering the building
- Extra resources for hygiene (sprays, wipes, gels, hand sanitisers, masks etc.)
- Daily temperature checks for staff
- All teachers will be required to wear masks in the classroom.
- At BISL, we are following the guidance to test all teachers (showing a negative test) before they teach on site and then weekly checks.
- Coronavirus Prevention guidance posters displayed around school
- Smaller classes where necessary
- Staggered break times and zones to keep students separated
- Students will remain in the same ‘home’ classes for lessons
- Lunches and snacks will be served in classes (Students will not gather in the canteen/Assembly Hall).
- Sport will be conducted in smaller groups of up to 10 people and activities will be non-contact.
- No other after school activities will be organised or external teachers used.
- There will be no changes in procedures for kindergartens and the first three grades of the primary school
- Meetings and events continue to be held online
- Daily Review of all procedures by the Leadership Team
Safety is our number one priority. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will follow guidance from the Ministry of Health, WHO, as well as Orbital Education.
Staggered Start Overview
As always, here at the British International School of Ljubljana, we will begin safely with a staggered start. This will be reviewed daily.

Mask Guidance
Please see our mask guidance for all staff and students from the NIJZ.

Drop off and Pick up Reminders
- Drop off is from 7.15am and pick up starts at 2.45pm.
- Use the normal drop off zone outside the main entrance.
- Stay in your car as staff will assist to keep this as safe, efficient and quick as possible.
- If collecting students on foot, please use the walkways indicated by the cones.
- Name signs have been distributed this week for parents to display inside the windscreen to help staff with pick up of students at the end of the day.
- Please avoid parking up and reversing into traffic. The drop off procedure is there for the safety of all students.
- Please avoid taking masks off and speaking to other families in groups. We all need to maintain safe distancing and follow the guidance from the ministry. Let's continue working together.
Monday 15th February
Classes 5A, 5B, Year 7 and Year 13 will return to school.
Early Years – Year 4 will continue in the building as normal.
Tuesday 16th February
Year 6 and Year 8 will return to school.
Wednesday 17th February
Year 9 will return to school.
Online Learning
Years 10, 11 and 12 will remain on online learning until further notice.
Hand sanitisers continue to be available around the school, and students will be encouraged to use these regularly throughout the day. Instructions on the correct way to wash our hands and use sanitisers are also shared with students and staff around school.
Please see our full BISL Reopening Procedure Guidance and plan shared on Monday 21st January for further FAQs, links and detailed information.
If you have any specific questions about the learning in your child's year group, please contact the Class Teacher/Form Tutor first.
For general school operation questions:
Ivo Čičak -
If you have any further questions that have not been addressed during this time, please feel free to contact the staff below:
Katarina Železinger -
Stephanie Andronikos -
Paul Walton -
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Please refer to the latest Update from the Principal for more general updates and information.
Kind regards,
Paul Walton