Dear Parents,
Finishing last week with our Student Appreciation Day was a wonderful experience and now today having a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast is another fantastic way to show our gratitude to those in our school community. This time, to our committed, caring and hard-working staff that bring such magic and joy to our students in the classroom each day. Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Thank you to all parents and students for supporting this event, for the PTA providing the refreshments and food, and also to the students for producing such heartfelt and amazing comments for their incredible teachers to enjoy.
Next Friday we will be celebrating Parent Appreciation Day, which will be an outdoor event on the playground from 7:15 - 8:00, giving us an opportunity to say thank you to the wonderfully supportive group of parents we have here at BISL. I hope you can join us.
Today, you will have received a welcome letter from the teachers who will be leading the classes for next year. We will have further letters sent out as we split and create more classes over the coming weeks as more families join the school. An exciting time to find out about your teacher for next year and a quick write up to introduce themselves, to include key dates and contact information.
As mentioned last week, the last day of term is Thursday 24th June and this will, as always, be a 12.00pm pick up for all students. It will also be a dress down day (staff and students wearing house colours) as it is the last day of the year.
I look forward to playing sports, team building with the students and enjoying our first of two Saturday Enrichment Days tomorrow!
Have a great weekend,
Paul Walton
Student Appreciation Day Photos
In case you missed them on Facebook, here are some wonderful photos from last week's Student Appreciation Day:
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Photos
Celebrating our amazing teachers and staff here at BISL, here are some photos from our breakfast event this morning:
Year 13 Graduation

Earlier this week we celebrated our Year 13 Graduation, a wonderful moment for our students to look back and value their experiences and accomplishments at our school. We are very proud of our graduating Class of 2021, wish them all the best in their future endeavours, and hope they stay in touch as BISL alumni.
You will find details of our event and a gallery of photos here:
Upcoming Events
All of our upcoming events are listed on the school website here.
Enrichment Days
I look forward to seeing many of our students tomorrow for our first of two Enrichment Saturdays. If you'd like to sign up for these, you are welcome to do so here.
Summer School
This year’s BISL Summer School will run for two weeks between 5th - 16th July.
You have until Monday 14th June to register, if you haven't already done so, by clicking on the button below. Week 1 will be free for all BISL students who wish to attend.

School Calendar
Our school calendar for the 2021-22 academic year is available here.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Dates to Note
Sat, Jun 12th | |
Wed, Jun 16th | Veggie Day |
Thu, Jun 17th | Year 6 Transition Day |
Fri, Jun 18th | |
Fri, Jun 18th | Year 6 Graduation |
Sat, Jun 19th | |
Jul 5th - 16th |
Previous Updates
- June 4 - Changes to Mask Guidance
- May 28 - COBIS news, PSHE provision, PE Block
- May 14 - International Days Success, Block 6 roundup
- May 7 - MEPI Drive Success and Visit from Trieste
- April 30 - MEPI Clothing drive update, Summer term events
- April 23 - New PA system, plans for 21-22
- April 16 - After-School Provision
- April 9 - Outstanding School News
- March 26 - Block 5 Roundup and Car Park Safety
- March 19 - Spring at BISL, Shakespeare Week and Alumni Visit
- March 12 - Updates from the Coffee Morning
- March 5 - Year 10 - 12 Staggered Start Plans
- February 26 - New Teaching & Learning Resources
- February 19 - Pust Celebrations
- February 12 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- February 10 - Block 4 Update
- February 5 - Exam Revision Update
- January 29 - Drop Off Reminders, Testing for Teachers
- January 22 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- January 15 - BISL Strengths, Upcoming events, Parent Survey
- January 8 - New Year's Updates from the Coffee Morning
- January 2 - Operating Procedures ahead of Term 2
- December 18 – Holiday Message
- December 11 - Early Years Show, BISL Art Exhibition & Upcoming Events
- December 4 - Coffee Morning update
- December 3 - First Snow and Outdoor Fun
- November 27 - Upcoming Events
- November 20 - PTA Committee Welcome, Facilities News
- November 6 - Founder's Day, Operating procedures
- October 30 - Halloween celebrations, positive feedback
- October 23 - Measures in place
- October 16 – Transition to online learning
- October 10 - Coffee Morning
- September 25 - House Day, MEPI, Adventure Days
- September 20 - Safety Guidance and reminders
- September 11 – Safety Guidance, BISL Vision & Learning Walks
- September 4 - Safety Guidance & BISL Values
- August 28 - Safety Guidance and Drop off & Pick up Procedures
- August 19 - Staff Training Week
- August 13 - Summer Update