Dear Parents,
As we head into Term 3, we have shared with you fantastic news regarding our Outstanding School Inspection and also the reopening of our After-School Provision at BISL.
I also would like to thank you for your ongoing support, encouragement and help during this year and the challenges we have faced. Due to missed face-to-face interactions at school, we are offering extended opportunities for our students to see each other, have fun together and to learn with one another further, please see details of this below.
After-School Activities
I am delighted that we are able to open After-school provision once again following the period of restrictions. For a full list of available options and clubs, please see our After-School Provision page here. After-school clubs will start from Monday 19th April, please take the weekend to consider your options and follow the instructions to register as detailed on the After-School Provision page.
Enrichment Days
Following on from the success of our Enrichment Saturdays at the beginning of the academic year, we are excited to offer 2 Days of Free Saturday School(occurring on consecutive Saturdays, 12th and 19th June, in the summer term) for BISL students, which will include a range of supervised activities from a published calendar so that our students can have further opportunities to enjoy learning together. Full details will be provided in a separate correspondence.
To register for these Enrichment Days, please complete the form by clicking on the button below.
Summer School
To make up for some of the lost face-to-face interactions with friends due to the period of remote learning, we are happy to be able to offer 5 Days of Free Summer Schoolfor BISL students (the first week of the summer, starting Monday 5th July). The registration window to sign up for this is open until Friday 4th June.
Our popular summer school operates from Monday to Friday, 7.30am through to 3.00pm and incorporates a range of fun activities and learning English through emersion with our BISL staff. Full details will be provided in a separate correspondence.
Sign up for 5 days of free summer school by clicking on the button below to complete the registration form.
MEPI Initiative: Clothing Drive

Spend half an hour this weekend sorting through your wardrobe and shelves for some unwanted items of clothing, shoes, toys and more to help support our Clothing Drive this month as part of our MEPI Initiative. Find out more about this project here.
Drop off your donations in the designated box by reception until Tuesday 27th April.
Upcoming Events
You will find details of our upcoming events here.
Dates to Note
Mon, Apr 19 | After-school Activities start |
Fri, May 7 | Coffee with the Principal |
Tue - Fri, May 11 - 14 | International Days |
Fri, Jun 4 | Coffee with the Principal |
Sat, Jun 12 | Enrichment Day 1 |
Sat, Jun 19 | Enrichment Day 2 |
Mon - Fri, Jul 5 - 16 | BISL Summer School |
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
I look forward to seeing everyone soon during this term at our upcoming events in the coming months.
Kind regards,
Paul Walton
Previous Updates
- April 9 - Outstanding School News
- March 26 - Block 5 Roundup and Car Park Safety
- March 19 - Spring at BISL, Shakespeare Week and Alumni Visit
- March 12 - Updates from the Coffee Morning
- March 5 - Year 10 - 12 Staggered Start Plans
- February 26 - New Teaching & Learning Resources
- February 19 - Pust Celebrations
- February 12 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- February 10 - Block 4 Update
- February 5 - Exam Revision Update
- January 29 - Drop Off Reminders, Testing for Teachers
- January 22 - Staggered Reopening Plans
- January 15 - BISL Strengths, Upcoming events, Parent Survey
- January 8 - New Year's Updates from the Coffee Morning
- January 2 - Operating Procedures ahead of Term 2
- December 18 – Holiday Message
- December 11 - Early Years Show, BISL Art Exhibition & Upcoming Events
- December 4 - Coffee Morning update
- December 3 - First Snow and Outdoor Fun
- November 27 - Upcoming Events
- November 20 - PTA Committee Welcome, Facilities News
- November 6 - Founder's Day, Operating procedures
- October 30 - Halloween celebrations, positive feedback
- October 23 - Measures in place
- October 16 – Transition to online learning
- October 10 - Coffee Morning
- September 25 - House Day, MEPI, Adventure Days
- September 20 - Safety Guidance and reminders
- September 11 – Safety Guidance, BISL Vision & Learning Walks
- September 4 - Safety Guidance & BISL Values
- August 28 - Safety Guidance and Drop off & Pick up Procedures
- August 19 - Staff Training Week
- August 13 - Summer Update