Dear Parents and Students,
A warm welcome to all our new students, returning students and families for the new Academic Year 2021/2022. I hope you have enjoyed the summer with your family and friends and are ready for the year ahead. We are all very excited about this academic year, as we also welcome new staff and look forward to further developing the school together.
To ensure a smooth start to the year and a positive experience for the students, please read the End of Summer Update from the Principal.
Declaration forms will be compulsory for all students to be handed in at reception or emailed to reception@britishschool.sion/by the first day of school. This form is to declare that your child/ren does not display any symptoms of Covid-19 and has not been in contact with any persons with Covid-19. Please continue to check our News section for any weekly updates. Students in KS4 and above can complete the form for themselves.
A welcome letter from your form tutor will go out on Monday 16th August, sharing classes and where to meet form tutors for Orientation Day next Friday 20th August.
7:20-7:40: Drop Off
7:50 Registration time
14:55 School Day ends / Pick Up
First Day of School - Monday 23rd August
Students should arrive at school no later than at 7:50am. Upon arrival please enter the building via the playground.
Please do not bring every book, as you will receive timetables on Monday 23rd, first thing in the morning. Just bring your laptop and something to write on only (see the E-Safety section for the safe use of laptops).
Lockers will be allocated for Secondary students within the first week.
Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)
Mr Batson will send out a further update on Monday 16th to ensure a smooth start for our Sixth Form students.
Students are required to be in full normal uniform, please see the Uniform section for our requirements. Sixth Form students are to particularly note the professional dress standards.
Please note, students must arrive in appropriate footwear for school as per the shoe guide.
Drop-Off/Pick Up Procedures and Parking
Please use the blue zone for Drop-off and Pick-Up and do not park alongside the school building (gate code: key 2255 key). Parents escorting their children to the school playground or gate should use the nearby parking facilities as outlined below.

Please also have a look at the Term dates and News & Events sections for any upcoming events and important updates.
Key dates:
- Friday 20th August: Orientation Day (dress down- uniforms not required)
- Wednesday 25th August: Curriculum Evening for Secondary at 15:40 (more information to follow)
I look forward to meeting many families at our Orientation Day and welcoming students on their first day of school on Monday 23rd August.
Best Wishes,
Stephanie Andronikos
Head of Secondary
Outstanding Results
As the British International School of Ljubljana continues to lead the way for academic success, we are delighted to announce the outstanding results achieved by our students in their recent IGCSE, AS and A Level examination series.
You will find details of our results here.
Congratulations to our students in this year’s examination cohorts, we are very proud of each and every one of you!