A word from Ms Andronikos

This week began with an assembly focusing on Aspiration: a hope or ambition to achieve something. It was just as the Year 11 to 13 students were setting their Aspiration Targets with just over 7 weeks to go before exams begin. Students are implored to put into practise all the feedback that teachers have been giving them to endeavour in these weeks to improve their marks as much as they can.

Thankfully, our aspirations were answered this week with the announcement that all remaining Secondary students can return to school from Monday. This is such wonderful news, and we all look forward to having them back in the building. Please read the latest Principal’s Update for all the details around this, including the staggered start and the measures around wearing masks. Upon return, students are required to complete the declaration form available at reception upon arrival.

We are incredibly happy that students are back, but as always, should students show any signs of feeling unwell, they are asked to stay away until they are better. Everyone’s safety is of utmost priority. Please also ensure that all parts of the formal and PE Uniforms (including footwear) are found and prepared for next week.

In the coming weeks, all students in Secondary will receive their reports for Term 2. All parents are invited to book Parent Teacher interviews via the virtual portal as per the instructions sent out on Monday July 1. This is now open, and all parents are encouraged to take advantage of this final window of interviews for the year.

I wish everyone a lovely and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone in Secondary back over the next week for the first time in 5 long months.

Kind regards,

Stephanie Andronikos,

Head of Secondary

World Book Day

Students in Secondary took part in a wide range of activities this week for world book day (Thursday 4th March), starting off with matching the book to the teacher activity, where house points have been awarded per each correct match. Congratulations to everyone who took part - the winner will be announced next week.

Every student was encouraged to reflect on books they’ve read and enjoyed both in school and personally, then asked to write book reviews on them. Click here to read a range of book reviews from each year group.

Some of our 6th form students recorded themselves reading children’s books for reception class and KS1, passing on the love of stories to the next generation.

This was a whole-school event. Click here to read more about our World Book Day celebration as a school.

BISL Student Magazine

Dear BISL Students,

A new block has already started and a new magazine issue is in the making, and I am once again looking for young writers from Y7 and up, who are ready to make this magazine a diverse reading adventure and unite the school community.

This block’s theme will be Welcoming Spring. Any articles that will relate to the settings, feelings, holidays, or the science during this season will be included. If you feel that you struggle to connect with the theme yet still want your article to be published in the magazine please send the article either way- I can nearly guarantee that we will find room for it.

Don’t know what to write about? The magazine has a diverse amount of categories ranging from the sciences to art, to gaming, and fun activities. Flip through the previous edition on New Beginnings to look at all the possible categories that you could write for.

BISL Student Magazine: Issue 2 | Block 4 | 2020-21

This block, articles will be accepted until Friday 19th, Week 5.

If you need any help, have questions, or would like to give a recommendation please feel free to contact me at any time.

Hope to read from plenty of new writers,

Julia K., Year 10, BISL Student Magazine Editor

English Block Competitions

Short Story Competition

To celebrate English Block, we are hosting a short story competition. We encourage students to write a short story (max 800 words) titled one of the following, “The Haunting”, “The Game” or “The Enchantment”.

Thank you to all the students who have entered so far.

Please send your entries to Ms O’Regan by 12th March.

This competition is being judged by Lana and Eva, our English Literature students in Year 13!

Poetry Competition

We are also having a poetry writing competition. Students are encouraged to write a poem on any subject/theme they choose.

Please send your entries to Mr Kirwan by 19th March.

Prizes: Box of chocolate for the best entries per key stage and 10 house points (per key stage) - that is x4 prizes up for grabs and 3 house points to all entries!

English Block Spelling Bees

Each form has now nominated x2 students to compete at the spelling bee! First round being KS3 on 9th March, and on the 10th March for KS4.

May the best speller win!

English News

Year 7 looked at the life of African Wild Dogs and how they are able to successfully hunt as a team and their extraordinary sense of hearing and smell. We also brought in our favourite books and learnt how to organise and write a book report.

Year 8 worked, looked at an extract from J.R.R Tolkien's much loved "The Lord of the Rings" and looked at some of the old-fashioned or archaic language in it. It was a tough challenge but the students did quite a job of it. We also created book reports of our favourite books in celebration of Book Week.

Year 9b have finished off George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and waved goodbye to Napoleon on Thursday. Students wrote book reviews this week on Animal Farm, and then did some perspective writing and wrote an autobiography from one of the points of views from a key character.

To finish off the week, the students took political compass quizzes to see how close they are ideologically to Napoleon...thankfully no student closely identified with the totalitarian piggy.

Year 9a have continued their Shakespearean adventure with MacBeth the Scottish King this week, getting to grips with Shakespearean English.

Year 10 have continued with a range of poetry from Carol Ann Duffy this week, and have almost finished their entire GCSE poetry anthology. Students also had a practise exam question this week (as they do every week), helping them get ready for the real GCSEs next year, and helping them remember and learn the poems.

They had a break from poetry on Thursday this week and focused on world book day. Students could choose to review their favourite book or do perspective writing - almost all students chose to review their favourite book...including the comic book Garfield.

Year 11a and b have continued with a range of revision this week, both classes focusing on revising 1984. 11b also looked at model exam answers, and practised marking/grading them.

Year 13 in literature this week, our students have been reading King Lear, and have been enjoying Lear descending into Madness, and their favourite characters getting killed off suddenly one by one - it is quite a blood bath. Asides from this, our students sat a mock test on King Lear to help them get exam ready - from this week forward we are sitting 1 mock exam question a week, to get students writing again by hand - which is proving a little challenging.

English Riddle of the week!

I am the part of the bird that is not in the sky, who can drown in the ocean and yet remain dry.

A last vestige of man that refuses to die. In mourning I am tossed at your feet to lie; I begin my job early, devouring your ankles and thighs.

I work my way up, eating your legs to your waist. And though around midday away I am chased, I return quickly to savor the arm of my taste.

As evening falls I enter your lungs, spiraling down past your mouth and your tongue. I feast on your body, your soul, and your mind, but as darkness falls you shall find that away I will go, a relief for some; At least until tomorrow morning comes.

What am I?

Email correct answers to Ms O’Regan by Thursday 11th March to receive x5 house points.

Ms O’Regan, Mr Eve and Mr Kirwan - English Department

Business and Economics News

Year 13 business students have been finishing off their finance module, they have worked hard as a team to overcome challenges. They only have one module left to go before they finish the course. Whilst in economics year 13 have finished government macro intervention which is their last module.

Year 12 in economics have been focusing on improving their weakest area which is multiple choice tests, without panicking. Whilst in business they have been spending this week looking at mintel. This is our market research tool, which has really expanded their knowledge.

Year 10 have started doing marketing this week, which started with the class marketing their chair, by spotting how their chair has added value.

Mr. Dalton - Business and Economics Teacher

Maths News

KS3 have been generating number sequences through codebreakers and finding term-to-term rules through mazes, and investigating the rules to continue matchstick patterns.

Year 10 discussed angle facts in parallel lines and 2D shapes, and Year 11 wrapped up the Geometry unit by presenting 4 different conditions for congruent triangles.

Sixth form students continue with revision lessons; Mechanic 1 students created theoretical questions on all topics to assist their studies.

The answers for the last Maths question of the week is: 6.

Thank you for all submitted answers and congratulations to Aleksander from 7A, Aleksander from 9B and Julia from 8, who guessed correctly and received 5 house points. Well done!

Maths question of this week is:

In an exotic country 1/2 of 5 = 3. If the same proportion holds, what is the value of 1/3 of 10?

Students who solve the questions send the answer to my email by Wednesday 10th March.

Ms Zupanc - Maths Department

Science News

This week in Biology Year 8 have been learning about the human body including its functions. In teams they have been creating colourful functions to explain the different functions of the body and the different parts. Who ever said science can’t be creative, was surely wrong.

PE News

This week in P.E., Secondary students continued to develop their student lead projects analysing various aspects of their statement of exploration. Students additionally investigated six methods of training and the principle of overload in teacher-led lectures.

Students received informal feedback with check-in mock knowledge assessments and reviewed their independent learning strategies. Secondary students also engaged in dynamic teacher lead workouts working through different circuit exercises, one of our six methods of training we are studying.

Ms Fairchild-Gojkovic, Mr Cerni, and Ms Damjan - PE Department

MFL News


“Vesel svetovni dan knjige” would say our Secondary students who are part of Slovene Advanced and Slovene Foundation group. These days, students have been enthusiastic and engaged with creating covers of their favourite books in their own ways.

They have even found Slovene titles and some key thoughts in Slovene which are representing their chosen books. We are looking forward to displaying creative products around our school soon! Zelo dobro učenci in učenke!

Ms Drofenik and Ms Košec - MFL Department


In order to be prepared for the new verb form: LE CONDITIONNEL, we continued to consolidate our knowledge of verbs by using different tenses. The competition was raising the motivation. Bravo!

Ms Struna-Berden - MFL Department


We wouldn't be a British school if we didn't discuss the weather from time to time, and even MEPI participants are bound to get dragged into it at some stage! Although, when planning and executing an Adventurous Journey, anticipating the weather can literally be a real life-saver. Participants receive training which should prepare them for practically any weather conditions that they are likely to encounter at each level of challenge.

Part of this is knowing what equipment (eg. waterproof clothing) they might require, and how to use it. Being able to source information regarding the weather conditions is another. Old sayings like 'Red sky at night - Shepherds delight!' aren't really sufficient. Internet websites, webcams, weather apps, media, and making local enquiries, are all far more reliable ways to obtain a forecast. Just being observant, watching the sky change colour, noticing slight changes in temperature, and the shape and movement of the clouds, are other useful indicators.

An interesting flow-chart for forecasting the weather can be found here. If anybody would like to test this, then we would love to hear if it worked for you.

Our participants also considered how we should conduct ourselves in a rural setting. Essentially, we should try not to make any negative impact on the countryside, leaving everything exactly as we found it. You might think that you are doing a farmer a favour by closing a gate, but it was most probably left open to allow animals to reach food or water! We would also like to direct you to a copy of the Countryside Code. (It is for the UK, but the sentiment rings true for Slovenia also.)

Mr Irving, MEPI Coordinator

Drop off and Pick up Reminders

  • Drop off is from 7.15am and pick up starts at 2.45pm.
  • Use the normal drop off zone outside the main entrance.
  • Stay in your car as staff will assist to keep this as safe, efficient and quick as possible.
  • If collecting students on foot, please use the walkways indicated by the cones.
  • Name signs have been distributed for parents to display inside the windscreen to help staff with pick up of students at the end of the day.
  • Please avoid parking up and reversing into traffic. The drop off procedure is there for the safety of all students.
  • The area directly in front of the main entrance should be kept clear at all times.

Red Cross First Aid Course

The much anticipated Red Cross first aid course will be held at the school on Saturday 13th March. It is a six hour course that covers all the basics, plus a few bits that will be useful when hiking and camping (sprains, burns, snake bite...). Our Red Cross medical professional is a native Slovene, but the course will be delivered in English (a rare opportunity in Slovenia!).

A few places are still available on this essential course, so if a parent, student, member of staff, friend, or relative would like to know what to do in a medical emergency, please email Mr Irving to book a place.

The course costs €30.50 (invoiced by the school), and participants will receive an official Red Cross certificate.

New Teaching and Learning Resource for Staff

We are delighted to announce that all staff at BISL will get the provision of a new laptop from school. These high-quality devices have arrived on site, have been set up and now are being rolled out to staff. More information about this exciting initiative can be found here.

Uniform News

We have been working together closely with our uniform supplier, ISU, to provide you with a concrete solution to the challenges we have faced with deliveries from the UK post Brexit. We are delighted to confirm that through careful negotiations, our providers are able to offer a reasonable solution for our families during this time:

  1. Until March 31st, 2021, place your uniform orders online through the ISU webshop using the discount code below, entitling you to 10% off your purchases throughout the month of March.
  2. Ensure that your order total does not exceed 150 euros, so that custom duties will not have to be paid upon arrival.
  3. Deliveries will be made directly to your preferred address as usual.



PTA News

Our first PTA Meeting has been scheduled for Friday 19th March, online on Zoom until guidance allows us to meet face to face at school.

Details of the meeting are available here - we look forward to seeing you virtually soon.

BISL PTA Committee

Teacher Feature Series

If you haven’t had a chance to read our recent Teacher Feature profiles, here’s what you may have missed:

Principal's Update

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to announce that our Year 10 - 12 students will start to return to school from Monday 8th Marchfollowing the latest guidance.

As always, here at the British International School of Ljubljana, we will begin safely with a staggered start, the details of which are included in the latest Update from the Principal. Please read this carefully.

We are also happy to announce that extended supervision will be available from Monday 8th March as follows:

  • Years 2 - 6: until 3:40pm
  • Early Years - Year 1: until 4:30pm

We look forward to having all of our students safely back in the building soon.

As always, please read the Update from the Principal for details.

Kind regards,

Paul Walton


Dates to Note

Mon, Mar 8th

International Women’s Day

Fri, Mar 12th

Reports Issued

Mar 15th - 19th

Parents Evening Week

Fri, Mar 19th

PTA Meeting

Mon, Mar 22nd

World Water Day

Tue, Mar 23rd

Virtual Open Day

Thu, Mar 25th

Spletni informativni dan

Fri, Apr 9th

Coffee with the Principal

Apr 13th - 16th

International Days