A word from Mrs Železinger

The winter is finally here with the first fall of snow, which has brought the smiles on students’ faces, as they have enjoyed various activities outside in the playground, from building a snow-man to helping with clearing the playground equipment. It has been fantastic to see everyone outside and we hope the snow lasts over the weekend for some more fun to be had.

The parent-teacher interviews start next week, so please make sure that you have booked a slot with your child’s teachers to catch up on their progress. The end of the first term reports will be posted this year. We are extremely proud of all our students, who have worked hard in spite of the challenges. They are all deserving of a visit from Sveti Miklavž on Sunday 6th December, a popular Slovenian tradition known as St. Nicholas Day. With such a positive attitude and good behaviour, St. Nicholas’s evil companion known as “parkelj” (the devil) is sure to be out of a job this year!

Preparations for various events continue - keep checking our Facebook and website for some previews of what is to come. Get involved in the Keep up with the Teacher and Keep up with the Student challenges, to keep you fit and on your toes. Keep sending in those videos! Thank you to all who contributed to the BISL Video compilation.

Special congratulations to the winner of the Growth Poem Competition, Maks in Y5, whose poem will form a permanent feature of the art wall design created by Miss. Blundell.

Although there is no change yet at the moment, we await further announcements regarding other classes returning to school next week. Please continue to check the latest Principal Updates on our website and check emails for any changes.

Have a lovely weekend,

Katarina Železinger

Head of Primary

Class Teacher Reports

Early Years

In Early Years we have been getting into the spirit of Christmas with our Hot Chocolate role-play station, writing orders and using playdough to make mince pies!

We have been practising our Christmas play and have begun making some props!

Ms Rosa

Year 1

This week year 1 enjoyed the snow, and even had a phonics lesson in the playground, practising their sounds and tricky words.

They also made block towers and then measured who's team built the tallest one and created artwork for the COBIS competition. What a busy week!

Mr Hughes

Year 2

Year 2 has had an incredible week of learning online. For our topic unit of celebrations, we have looked at celebrations from different cultures and religions. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about Diwali and Ramadan and had lots of curious questions.

Year 2 have been enjoying their daily PE lessons and have started showing us some wonderful circus tricks. We have all had fun in the snow this week, with many students spending their breaks making a snowman!

Ms Harris and Ms Miller

Year 3

In Year 3 Topic this week, the students made 3D diorama models of a coral reef habitat. As shown in the example above, the students went above and beyond in bringing to being their personal image of life from beneath the waves. Well done to all students for their fantastic entries! Next week, the students will investigate the phenomenon of adaptation and the brilliant ways in which animals have found ways to thrive in the world they live in! Another home investigation will ensure plenty of hands-on fun for the students!

In English, the students have been preparing to write their science fiction stories, by looking at alternative endings to the story they read last week and developing on these to create a new episode for the story. Something to look forward to next week for sure!

While in Maths, the students have been studying multiplication and division, looking closely at how number one groups and shares equally and also some useful tricks when carrying out these operations, which they always seem to enjoy finding out about!

Finally, as the class did such a wonderful job with their dioramas, they have all earned a student of the week award, so well done to you all Year 3!

Mr Mulcahy

Year 4

This week, students have started to research famous empires throughout history, including the British, Dutch, Spanish, Ottoman and Portuguese empires. They are learning about some important individuals from these periods and gaining an understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of being a country under the empirical rule. In maths, we have been using Time Tables Rock Stars to hasten students recall of times tables facts. In English, we are looking at hidden contexts and going behind the scenes to envision the lives of our protagonists in the story. I have been impressed with everyone's attitudes and commitment to their learning during this extended period of Zoom and I am very grateful for being able to teach such wonderful students in our BISL community.

Mr Bishop

Year 5

This week both year 5 classes had a very special guest, as the character "Billy" from our class book (bling) visited Mrs Charlesworth's zoom classroom.

Students asked thought-provoking questions to Billy about the dramatic events that unfolded in the story we are studying as a class. He appreciated the students' objective viewpoints on his dilemma which he is worried about. Unfortunately, Mr Walker's internet was not working during this lesson so he was never able to meet Billy.

Mr Walker


On Tuesday, the Year 5A and 5B classes joined forces and had two extremely fun lessons. In preparation for the upcoming test on Fractions & Decimals, Mr Walker and I asked those students in our respective classes, who have mastered the objectives to create revision sessions.

These mini-lessons were led by the following students:

  • Ida and Artem - Adding and Comparing Fractions
  • Sakuto and Maksim - Rounding Decimals
  • Lev - Simplifying Fractions
  • Daniil - Finding Fractions of Amounts and word problems associated with this.

They prepared during lesson work and for homework, creating presentations with clear instructions, definitions, and examples to practice. In small groups, we rotated students in the set breakout rooms on Zoom, where our 'student teachers' were placed. The students loved it and here are their stars for their 'student teachers':

"They explained over and over again, as many times as we needed."

"The teachers made questions so fun, I couldn't stop doing them."

"Really challenging, fun questions."

Mrs Charlesworth and Mr Walker

Year 6

This week I would like to present an activity that Year 6 students really enjoy. It is called the 'Big Question' and it is asked at the end of each English phase. The class spends 10-15 minutes discussing a thought-provoking question. These questions explore an idea linked to an aspect of the text covered that day, e.g. after a re-telling of the story of Robin Hood the students debate: Is everyone capable of being a hero?

The aim of the Big Question is to develop spoken language and argument skills. Students learn to justify ideas with reasons, negotiate, evaluate and build on the ideas of others, select the appropriate register for effective communication, as well as think in a deeper way about the more abstract issues that come from the text. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and enjoy a context in which there may be no right or wrong answers, just their own carefully considered opinions. In our last 'Big Question' debate the Year 6 students discussed how modern technology is affecting our lives.

Mr Kokalj

Growing Poem Competition

It's time to announce the winner of the year 5 and 6 'Growing poem' Competition. Thank you to all those that took part, there were some very thoughtful entries, but in the end, there could be only one winner.

Congratulations to Maks from Year 5, your poem will be added to the PrimaryTreeART wall.

Departmental News

PE News

This week students in Primary PE lessons focused on their fitness skills. Year 1 were very excited to utilise the Sixth Form area for the first time ever, as the winter began to settle in. They were learning about proper warm-up and stretching routines, and also about different training styles.

Years 2 to 4 were continuing their daily PE lessons which were based on keeping students fit, active and healthy. Years 5 and 6 continued with fundamental football skills and knowledge, a tribute to Diego Maradona. It was an active week, thank you to everyone who contributed to the BISL Compilation. It was a great success!

Have a lovely weekend and don’t forget to try to keep up with the teacher!

PE Department

French News

Year 3 can say what fruit they like and do not like in French.

Year 4 now know French numbers from 0-50, they know the French calendar, and they can write when their birthdays are: the date and the season.

Year 5 learned how to make French sandwiches.

Year 6 have been learning about food and made delicious French Menus.

Mrs Struna Berden

EAL News

Having to stay inside, our EAL students were presented with a challenge of how to go on a noun hunt and find as many people, places and things around them as possible.

So, we turned to google maps and paid a visit to our school, before heading off to London.

Mr Siter

Slovene Advanced News

Year 5 and 6 at Slovene Advanced lessons are already in a Christmas mood. They have created wonderful Christmas trees with their wishes and beautiful thoughts in Slovene. Well done!

Here is their creative artwork. Čudovito!

Ms Drofenik

Slovene Basic News

Even though the Year 2s are learning online, they are participating very well. This week we were talking about rooms in the house and what we can do in each room. We played a house - rooms game, where they showed what they are usually doing in them.

Can you guess in which room they are in on the picture?

Some are already sleeping, some are still awake. Perhaps they are waiting for our beloved crocodile, Sydney!

Miss Košec

Other News

Teacher Feature

If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to get to know our teachers better by reading their spotlight interviews which have been shared this term so far:

We will continue to share new Teacher Features regularly, so keep an eye out for these on Facebook, on the website and in the newsletters.


Thank you to our BISL community for being so supportive of the Christmas present project. Just a quick reminder that the presents should be dropped off to Zveza prijateljev mladine Ljubljana Moste-Polje, Proletarska cesta 1, 1000 Ljubljana. (You can park in a yellow designated zone and the security guard will guide you to the room where you will drop-off your gift.)

PLEASE DO NOT BRING THE GIFTS TO SCHOOL!!! Due to Covid measures, we have to kindly ask you to deliver directly to the foundation!

The time slots for gift deliveries for BISL are as follows:

  • Tuesday 8. 12. 2020 from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 17:00 to 18:00
  • Wednesday 9. 12. 2020 from 8:30 do 12:00
  • Thursday 10. 12. 2020 from 8:30 do 12:00 and from 17:00 do 18:00


  • Tuesday 15. 12. 2020 from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 17:00 to 18:00.
  • Thursday 17. 12. 2020 from 8:30 do 12:00 and from 17:00 do 18:00

Please don't forget to stick/write the code to the top of the present, as this enables the present to go to the correct child.

Thank you,



This week's MEPI Meeting gave this year's Bronze participants the opportunity to catch up with activities in the Online Record Book (ORB) and review the Kahoot quiz which focused on the Navigational requirements for the Adventurous Journey / Expedition section of the Award. Although the skills and knowledge will be revised, practised, and expanded upon over the coming weeks, we hope that this part can be signed-off in the ORB next week! There was just enough time to go through the Expedition Kit List, with a view to looking at all of the equipment (good or bad) that we actually own. This should enable us to make informed choices as to equipment that individuals may need to consider acquiring in time for more practical expedition training!

Mr Irving


All it takes for you to save a life is less than an hour of your time. As of today, the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Zavod Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medicino, is desperately calling out for blood donors, as the stocks of blood are low.

On Monday, 6th form students had volunteer visitors from the Red Cross come to their Assembly and provided them with an information session on donating blood. A big thank you to two 6th formers who have already donated blood this year. Unfortunately at the moment, we can't go together as a group to donate blood as we have in the past, where perhaps there is comfort in numbers. But if you are a first-time blood donor, I would suggest you go with either your partner or Mum or Dad. All you need to do is call one of the numbers below and make a reservation at the blood transfusion centre, as they are limiting the number of people in the building at any one time. Once there, you will receive a form to fill out, checking that you are eligible to give blood in Slovenia at that time.

For more information see:


Their mobile phone numbers for blood donors are 051 389 270, 051 671 147 or 030 716 796.

To show others how easy it is to donate, please send in a photo of yourself donating blood with a smile on your face (underneath that mask), and hopefully, you will encourage someone else to give it a go too.

What a wonderful way to teach each other the values of Empathy and Challenge.

Most of us have perhaps a bit of extra time this upcoming holiday season, so why not use it to save someone's life!

Best healthy wishes,

Mrs Charlesworth & the C4C Team

Principal's Update

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support throughout this block, it has been very busy, lots of challenges and I would like to personally thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement for the staff at school.

It has been wonderful to be able to celebrate the snowy weather this week - our students in school have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the changing environment, and I'm sure students learning at home have done the same.

Thank you for joining me at our virtual Coffee Morning today, for those of you that were unable to make it, please read my full Update from the Principal to see what was shared.

Kind regards,

Paul Walton


Dates to Note


Mon 7th - Fri 18th

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Fri 11th December


Mon 14th December

Year 1 Play

Tue 15th December

Winter Show

Wed 16th December

Winter Show

Fri 18th December

Last Day of Term - school finishes at 12:00noon


Tue 5th January

Block 4 Begins

Fri 8th January

Coffee with the Principal

Wed 13th January

Virtual Open Day for prospective families

Wed 20th January

Spletni dan odprtih vrat - Virtual Open Day in Slovene

Thu 21st January

IGCSE Subject Options Evening

Fri 22nd January

Student Appreciation Day

Thu 28th January

A Level Subject Options Evening