Neizmerno smo ponosni na našo dijakinjo Year 6, Karo, za njen izjemen dosežek pri zmagi na pesniškem natečaju COBIS KS1-2. Čestitke, Kara!

To pesniško tekmovanje, ki ga je organiziral Svet britanskih mednarodnih šol (COBIS), je bilo odprto za učence mednarodnih šol po vsem svetu. Tema letošnjega tekmovanja je bila "Prihodnost, na katero bomo ponosni."

Služi kot fantastična platforma za mlade pisatelje, da se vključijo v mednarodno tekmovanje in predstavijo svoje literarne talente. S skupno 226 prijavami iz 135 šol z vsega sveta je bilo letošnje tekmovanje zelo konkurenčno. Kara je izstopala in zmagala v kategoriji Key Stage 1-2 s svojo pesmijo z naslovom "My Future is..."

Vabimo vas, da si vzamete čas in preberete Karino zmagovalno pesem.

My future is…
My future is an egg.
Right now, it’s solid,
Hard and full of potential.
It rests waits to open.

My future is a staircase.
The stairs just keep on going,
Heading to the top
To find the final prize.

My future is all locked up,
As I fumble and fiddle around for keys.
It’s too hard to open.
But I can reach the keys when I’m older.

My future is full of glee.
I want to be a star,
Or maybe just stay low.
My future is a mystery.

My future is made by me,
But it’s wild like a fire.
I mould it out of clay.
But it won’t always obey.

My future is a rollercoaster,
Up and down, up, and down.
My future is a light.
Guiding me through the dark.
My future is a piece of art,
Painted bit by bit.
My future is a car,
Fast and slow, fast and slow.

Although I hope for a bright one,
Nothing is a promise.
But what I see is dreams,
Waiting to unfold.

My future is...Kara, Year 6
Kara poetry