During what has been a truly action-packed Science block, our students were able to engage in a number of exciting activities, igniting their curiosity and passion for all things scientific and beyond.
The block started in artistic colour as Ms Prohart Strmčnik invited us all to help her settle the big debate - Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? Students and teachers across the school got involved, submitting creative pieces of artwork and photography to support either of the two schools of thought.

Week 2 was marked by the invitation from Mr Stanič and Mr Kokalj for students to join the BISL Rocket Competition, which took place at the end of the block. Students were invited to create rockets that are powered by compressed air and fit two criteria:
- long flight time
- innovative and good looking design
We received a number of fabulous entries and would like to thank all the teachers who encouraged their students to get involved, and all the parents who helped their children create these amazing rockets. The designs were so innovative, creative and smart - well done to all who participated!
Some rockets were powered by chemical reactions between vinegar and baking soda, some required a large lung capacity and a strong blow, some were launched into space with the help of helium and some with the help of compressed air in a bottle or by applying a force onto a container filled with air.
We were really pleased to see so many different ideas and designs from students across Primary and Secondary school. The job of choosing the top three rockets was extremely challenging. Well done to everyone!
Mr StaničScience TeacherMoreover, we are extremely proud of our students in how they cheered each other on when they were all trying to launch their rockets successfully. They were counting down and encouraging their peers, shouting 'Try again!' when it didn't work the first time. It was a pleasure to see how collaborative and compasionate our students are!
In week 3, Mr MacNeill invited our community to celebrate Earth Day by getting involved in the second hand clothes drive. All donated clothes were successfully delivered to the Verjamem Vate charity organisation, where they provide job opportunities for people with disabilities and special needs, in their shop called 'Naša trgovin'ca'. They were very grateful for our amazing contribution, thank you to all who donated items of unwanted clothes!

We would also like to congratulate all submissions for the scientific essay writing competition in week 3, on the topic of ‘The Role of Technology in Reducing Climate Change’, which offered a balanced and insightful view on the topic.
Week 4 offered an exciting visit from Magical Beasts at our school! Students across the whole school had the chance to meet, pet and learn about a variety of exotic animals, including a bearded dragon, chinchilla, golden hamster, leopard gecko, tarantula, south American bird eater tarantula, turtle, tortoise, rabbit, tenrec, royal python, corn snake, stick insect, giant cockroach and degu. It was great to see the children overcome their fears and be so thrilled to have the opportunity handle animals they usually wouldn't have the chance to meet - one experience for them to remember for years to come.
Throughout the block, students were also entertained by weekly practical demonstrations from Mr Ogrin and invited to challenge themselves with a number of do-it-yourself practicals published on our website at home - well done!
Year 4studentIt was loads of fun, I discovered things that I didn't know could be done! My favourite experiment was the storm in a glass. How many spoons of coloured water can shaving foam hold? When it couldn't hold any more, the coloured water fell and the shaving foam lifted like clouds - because water is heavier than shaving foam!
Our students were further challenged and entertained by weekly riddles, facts and puzzles by Mrs Fordham, Mr Irving and Mr Ogrin, while our older students were invited to compete in the Biology challenge organised by the British Biology Olympiad.

All in all, it was a fantastic, busy and exciting block and we hope our students have enjoyed it as much as we have! A huge THANK YOU to all students, staff and parents for your continued engagement.
Ms TušarHead of Science