Following on from the launch of the LEGO Robots in our after school activities  last term, we have now seen the introduction of the LEGO Robotics kits to both KS3 lessons and continue in the popular Robotics after school club.

We have been working through a range of tutorials provided by LEGO, that take the students through building the robots, learning with LEGO, to programming them to move or perform other operations. It is now a very exciting addition to the curriculum and the students are very excited to explore and enjoy using the LEGO Robots to programme!

I enjoyed building something with my brain, it’s like mathematics, it’s logic.

Year 7 Student

The Education Commission estimated that by 2030, more than half of the world’s children and young people (800 million) would not have the skills or qualifications necessary to participate in the emerging global workforce. To view the research paper by LEGOeducation, click here.

Computational thinking LEGO 1

We've seen a huge range of creative ideas so far with students really considering what they can create in a 'hands-on style' of learning. The videos provided by LEGO have inspired our students to learn more.

Robots built include a robot on a motorcycle that has to balance and move forward on wheels, hopping robots, a grabbing device for picking items up, a colour sensing robot and many more… It has been a process of trying out the kit and tutorials, which students have embraced with enthusiasm and creativity, enjoying what they are doing and learning so much along the way.

I look forward to planning more lessons and club activities with the robots next term.

Ms BurtrandComputer Science Teacher

Here is what our Robotics club students had to say about this new initiative:

IMG 2009

My favourite part? Building LEGO obviously and doing something creative!

Year 8 student
IMG 1995

This year we have been building lots of different robots, including a dancing robot and a rain shine robot.

Year 7 student
Computational thinking LEGO 2

Our students have the opportunity to learn vital skills with the new Computer Science curriculum that promotes problem-solving, critical thinking and collaboration. It is exciting, challenging and more importantly, Fun!

Paul WaltonPrincipal

We look forward to many more projects at the British International School of Ljubljana, where our students can develop their programming and creative skills in the classroom!