It is a privilege for our school to appear on the official list of worldwide schools on the UK Department for Education website.
Available on the UK Department for Education website, this list transparently shows all of the fully accredited British Schools Overseas across the globe, and now includes the British International School of Ljubljana, with our recent Outstanding report.
Overseas schools describing themselves as “British” are subject to recognition by the British government under the voluntary inspection scheme. The Department for Education (DfE) has put in place arrangements for inspection against a common set of standards that British Schools Overseas can choose to adopt. The intention is to inform parents of pupils in British Schools Overseas how standards measure up against the standards that apply to independent schools in the United Kingdom."
UK Department for Education (DfE)As shared proudly following our inspection, our school achieved an 'Outstanding' rating in every category. From these categories, the inspection team from PENTA International specifically highlighted 12 of 'many strengths at the school':
With strong, thoughtful leadership, the school has maintained a sharp focus on continuous improvement since the last BSO inspection."
PENTA Inspection Report 2021- The students, who are happy, confident, friendly, well-behaved, enthusiastic learners.
- The leadership provided by the principal, ably supported by his senior leadership team, who share a united vision of high quality for the school.
- Highly effective and proactive involvement by the proprietor of the school, in the strategic development of the school.
- The commitment of staff to providing the best possible experiences for students, which ensures rapid progress.
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strength, both of the curriculum and in teaching. The school is effective in enabling all students to develop their personal skills and qualities.
- Students are confident, thoughtful, well behaved, treat others with respect and have well developed social skills.
- The standard of spoken English is high: students make excellent progress, thanks to a well-coordinated and coherent policy for students who speak English as an additional language (EAL) which is a very high proportion, and to a notable whole school approach to the teaching of the language.
- The whole school community, teaching, non-teaching, administration and ancillary staff work as a team to promote high quality care for all students.
- The opportunities provided for students to direct their own learning, through a rich curriculum and a stimulating learning environment.
- The levels of care and attention provided to students, which ensure their physical, academic, social and emotional needs are catered for.
- The opportunities provided for students to interact, collaborate and learn with their peers.
- The use of technology to support students’ learning, which is outstanding.
There is an evident emphasis on the quality of the students’ learning experiences and outcomes. As a result of a carefully planned curriculum and skilfully delivered lessons and activities, students make excellent progress."
PENTA Inspection Report 2021The inspection report mentions 3 development areas for the school to consider, all of which we have already started to plan for and action:
- As soon as pandemic restrictions allow, develop further PE, music and after-school activities for all students. - We are delighted that our After-School Provision is now up and running again as restrictions have been lifted.
- Further develop student leadership opportunities and the impact of ‘student voice’ throughout the whole school. - We are putting together plans to create even more leadership opportunities for our students, and various Student Voice articles are already available on our website.
- Provide even more professional development opportunities for middle leaders and aspiring leaders. - Our first Middle Leaders Training session was held on Wednesday April 28, giving an opportunity for our aspiring middle leaders to find out more about this accredited training course.
The learning environment, including the excellent outdoor facilities, provides a safe and stimulating setting. Parents are highly supportive of the school. Students are very well cared for and nurtured, and their behaviour is excellent."
PENTA Inspection Report 2021We continue to be very proud of our achievement as a school. Updates and progress on the areas above will be included in the weekly 'Update from the Principal' articles and the monthly virtual 'Coffee with the Principal' sessions.