On Friday, May 31, we celebrated another festive International Day at BISL by welcoming our parents.

Parents prepared an amazing journey through various countries, allowing our students to explore cuisine, culture, and fun games from around the globe. A big thank you to everyone who made this event possible.

We had the opportunity to explore VR goggles that took us on a virtual tour through Romania. We savored amazing cuisine from Kazakhstan, sweets from Brazil, delectable sauces and handicrafts from Israel, Hungarian sandwiches, a water pool game and sushi from Japan, delightful sweets and harmonica music from Slovenia, ice cream and other treats from Russia, balloons and ćevapčići from Serbia, a delicious assortment of Egyptian cuisine, cookies from the US, sausage rolls from the UK, delectable cuisine and flower-adorned ladies from Ukraine and much more.

This occasion truly highlights one of the best aspects of international schools: a diverse group of students coming together to create something special.