After a series of absolutely radical and incredibly extreme entries, we can now announce the winner of the extreme reading competition. From the 10 shortlisted entries, staff and students voted for their favourite. We had a myriad of wonderful extreme activities, from backflips to bathing, snowboarding to snow-lying, shows of strength to shows of flexibility: we had it all. It has been absolutely incredible to see the creativity and brilliance that the students have demonstrated.

Our winner for the inagrual BISL extreme reading competition for Secondary is:

Alexandra (Year 9) for her incredible depth defying reading at 15 metres deep.

And overall second place, by a narrow margin is Tian (Year 9) with his reading backflip.

Our Primary School Winner is:

Max (Year 4) whose bath tub photo with fancy cocktail and bobble hat depicted the life we'd all like to lead.

Honorable mention to Leon in Year 4 for his incredible variety of photos, he submitted over 15! From reading in the snow, to reading up a tree, an incredible effort and to Eva Year 7 for her series of photos from motorbike reading to tumble dryer gymnastics. A super effort.

Special mention also to Mr Astbury who won the hard fought staff competition.

Finally, thank you to all the students and staff who made this an incredible competition. We can't wait for next year! Stay Reading Radical!""