Dear Parents and Families,

As BISL staff we were treated extremely well this morning as part of the PTA and Student Council’s amazing efforts towards teacher Appreciation Day. A delicious breakfast greeted all the teaching staff this morning in the dining room, and we also received some thoughtful and beautifully presented cards from the children. All of this work was most definitely appreciated by the hungry diners!

It was also very pleasing this morning to welcome so many parents to the ‘Coffee with Principal’ event ahead of the PTA meeting. The PTA has a what’s app group, is working hard in support of the school, teachers and children, and would love to have the involvement of all BISL parents in any that you wish to contribute. Please contact the BISL PTA at if you to find out more.

Part of my brief presentation to parents this morning was focused on explaining a little more about we manage and develop the performance of our staff. I explained in basic detail about the annual performance development cycle, the setting of specific worthwhile objectives that will make us more effective as a teaching and learning community, and how we recognize strong, effective teaching over extended periods of time. In particular, I am delighted to highlight the development aspect of our performance improvement, and that we aim ‘less for measurement, and rather more for growth in each individual and group!’. Working alongside fellow professionals and aiming for greater growth and effectiveness in and out of the classroom truly is one of the many joys of my job.

I know many of the children are greatly looking forward to their swimming adventures at Atlantis next week.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the family time,

Best wishes,

Matthew Cox