Dear Parents,

To start an active and exciting week in which nearly all BISL students very much enjoyed their swimming experience at Atlantis,

 “Mr. Cox, please can we go to swimming everyday” suggested one enthusiastic Y5 yesterday,

We finished off with an outstanding visit from the UK Defence Attaché to Slovenia.

“Mr. Cox, please can we go to swimming everyday” suggested one enthusiastic Y5 yesterday,

We finished off with an outstanding visit from the UK Defence Attaché to Slovenia.

This morning Lt-Colonel Christopher Day came to school and presented a highly interesting assembly to all of our Y5 to Y10 students. Lt-Colonel Chris explained clearly to his young audience about the reason for Remembrance, Armistice and Poppies, and how we remember the duty, commitment and sacrifice of others all around the world including both the UK and here in Slovenia. Lt-Col Chris also explained why, when and where the various Remembrance ceremonies take place in Slovenia and elsewhere.

The Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing is a war memorial in Ypres, Belgium, dedicated to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the Ypres Salient of World War I and whose graves are unknown.

The students proved to be a fantastic audience. They listened intently and asked Chris Day some relevant, excellent questions – not just about remembrance but also his 31 years in the British Army, the challenges he has faced, and why he is so committed to helping and supporting other people.  After the assembly, the visit finished with further visits to some of our classes. I was delighted when some interested children came to see me this afternoon to say how much they enjoyed learning about Remembrance.

Thanks to the British Embassy for helping us organise such an important event.

Thanks to the British Embassy for helping us organise such an important event.

This week at BISL has helped to remind me how involving learning and education can be. Whilst we must focus on Maths, English, Science and the other amazing academic subjects, the environment and way that we learn is certainly varied. Trips such as swimming adventures and visits from incredibly interesting people, talking about things that are matter are definitely two excellent ways to learn.

Have a great weekend in the beautiful autumn sunshine,

Best wishes,

Matthew Cox
