A word from Miss Gillespie
Dear Parents and Students,
The foggy weather recently has brought a great atmosphere to the school, especially as on Monday some creepy, crawly, spooky objects appeared. Primary students have been full of excitement seeing the Halloween decorations hung around the school. Thank you to all parents who came to decorate the school in preparation for Halloween. A reminder to all that on Thursday 27th October all students can come to school dressed in fancy dress for our annual Halloween celebration.

The swimming trips to Atlantis concluded this week with Year 1 and 2 having their time in the water, learning key skills which enable them to become confident swimmers. A huge thank you to the PE department for all the oragnisation enabling our Primary students to have this opportunity to gain the important life skill of swimming. Our block theme of Humanities is in full swing with engaging activities to provoke and stimulate Primary students to inquire about the world. Flags have been the theme and the students have been in competition to see how many they can name from a selection of flags. A final is in place for next week where the winner of each class in Primary will go head-to-head. For the latest Update from the Principal and other events, please see the News section on our website. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards,
Isla Gillespie
Head of Early Years
Class Teacher Reports
Early Years
In Early Years all our students have become big brothers and sisters for a week. They were learning how to look after babies and what role doctors have in our life when we are sick. The children were very passionate about all the baby's needs. They enjoy feeding the babies, bathing them and rocking them to sleep. The students were very excited about changing babies' nappies, which didn't seem a complicated task at all!
The Nursery students were painting colourful bibs for the babies while the reception children were practising writing phonic sounds into the salt.
Ms Gillespie and Ms Kukovica
Year 1
We had an amazing start of the week at Atlantis water park! We have also become skilled puppet makers this week! After learning about puppets from around the world, we made marionette dog puppets, as per the Toymaker's request.
In English lessons, we read two very silly books "Mr Gumpy's Outing" and "Mr Armitage on Wheels", and wrote about our favourite parts of the stories and compared the main characters. In Maths, we practised counting one more and one less than a given number..
Ms Miklavec

Year 2
Our week started off in a really fun way going for the Y1&2 swim day at Atlantis! The children had a great day and all showed improvement by the end. They really did represent BISL well and we were very
proud of them. We have been doing some super work in English to learn about and prepare to write our own stories. They are really enjoying learning about the story of Cotton Wool Colin and can retell the story in their own words.
Mrs Fordham and Ms Torrington
Year 4
This week in Year 4 we have been learning about habitats and the animals that live in different habitats around the world. The students in Year 4 have been researching their chosen animals and have learnt about what the animals eat, what can eat them them and their respecitve life cycles. Collectively, we've learnt lots of new facts about animals and how they live. In English, we have been exploring our text Runaways and learning about what life was like in Victorian Britain.
Ms Harris
Year 5
This week in Topic the children looked at the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. The children were interested in discussing tourism in Slovenia and whether they think it is good to have many tourists. In maths, the children focused on fractions, decimals, and percentages and how they link together. In English, the students wrote their own poems using Pie Corbett as inspiration.
Mrs Thomas-Hayes
Year 6
This week during English, the Year 6 students performed brilliantly in creating a real-life news report.
The children had a lot of fun taking on the role of a news reporter at Lady Marion and Sir Guy of Gisborne's wedding. They did a great job and submitted excellent videos.
Mr Kokalj
Departmental News
Across primary PE lessons this week, we developed basic serving techniques, enabling students to serve both overarm and underarm. Students also continued their rallying consistency when playing both singles and doubles, before progressing to some competitive match play.
PE Department
Can you describe all 4 seasons in Slovene? Well, our students in Years 5 and 6 at Slovene Foundation can do it! This week we have been talking about what is typical for each season. The students focused on the weather, clothes and activities and demonstrated how much progress they are making in expressing themselves in Slovene. Of course, they also showed their creative side with superb drawings. Odlično, učenci!!
Ms Drofenik
Po poklicu bom ...
Our Y1 and Y2 in the Slovene Intermediate group were learning about professions this week and shared what they would like to be when they grow up.
They did a fantastic job drawing and writing different
professions which you can see below. Odlično učenci, le tako naprej!
Ms Jakop
This week Y5/6 Slovene Advanced groups were learning about nouns. The students classified them according to oseba, žival, pojem, stvar and rastlina. They also learnt how to determine gender. Next week we will further develop our knowledge about nouns.
Ms Kotnik
This has been an exciting week for the EAL students. With one group, we've finished learning the family members and the students will be happy to sing a family song for you. Another group took the lesson outside, to search for adjectives that they could describe the nouns (people, place and things) with. We immensely enjoyed the outdoors and tried to describe everything we could see with some colourful words. Meanwhile, year 2 group worked on reinforcing the knowledge of vocabulary for colours, numbers to 20 and food.
Ms Kotnik
Other News
Atlantis Swimming Days
This last couple of days BISL primary students were on a day trip to Atlantis for some swimming lessons and lots of fun water activities. All students tried water slides, playing water polo, aqua volley, water swing, sliding and jumping to water, aqua swing and of course some diving. They all absolutely loved the activities the swimming instructors prepared for us and left Atlantis with big smiles on their faces. I have seen some amazing swimmers already and some who did their absolute maximum to strive towards swimming soon.
Well done!!
Mr Černi