A word from Mrs Železinger

Dear Parents and Students,

A very warm welcome back to all students and families, both returning and the many joining BISL for the first time. It has been a very active first week of school, with students settling into their classroom routines, getting to know their teachers and peers, and engaging in many exciting activities (see the class and departments section below).

The energy and buzz around the school have been incredible and wonderful to see, as we start the new school year. The theme running through the whole school for the first Block is Mathematics, with lots of opportunities for students to develop their problem-solving skills through fun activities and projects. Thank you to all of the parents and students attending the Primary Curriculum Events this week. Slides will be shared with all parents for further reference. Should you have any specific questions about the curriculum or concerns regarding your child settling in, please contact the class or specialist teacher.

As per the After-School Provision presentation on Tuesday, we aim to be running various activities after school next week. Students can choose from a variety of activities, catering for all ages and interests, to expand on or learn new skills. Extended supervision from 14:45-16:30 also opens for Early Years (Nursery and reception). Please note that our activities will be published on our website as soon as possible. Parents will be notified via email once the registration form is online.

For any important updates, please continue to check the News section and see the latest Update from the Principal.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,
Katarina Železinger,
Head of Primary