Sixth form has always been a unique and challenging experience, and this fact remains true at BISL.
Foreword from Mr Batson, Head of Sixth Form
I always recall the phrase I was told many years ago during my teaching practice, IGCSEs show you are capable, A Levels show you are intelligent. The fact that students reduce the number of subjects studied from 9 or 10 IGCSE subjects down to 4 A Level subjects suggests that there is a counter-intuitive logic to that statement that sticks in my mind. However having been an A Level teacher for close to 20 years, I can attest to the depth of knowledge students need to engage in, the focus on the application of knowledge as opposed to simply memorising facts and also the skills that they are exposed to, taught by their teachers and develop by themselves during their A Level studies which serve as a blueprint for how they will study in higher education.
Sixth form is also a time where students should develop themselves, not only as individuals but also as contributing members of a wider community. As university places become more competitive, students need to display aspects of themselves outside of their academic achievement. Sixth form students have the opportunity, time and experience to guide and mentor their peers and younger members of the school community and this is an opportunity that they should grasp with both hands.
To come back to my first statement, sixth form has always been a unique and challenging experience, but also one that bestows the greatest benefits on those who are willing to fully engage.
Mr Batson, Head of Sixth Form

Year 13 Contributions
I have been at BISL for 10+ years now at this point; Seeing it start out as a small tightly knit community of caring teachers and curious students, to its gradual growth and expansion with new students, staff and locations to the well established international school that it is now. I firmly believe that this school has given me a strong foundation of knowledge, ranging from key stage 3, IGCSE's and now A levels, where the varied and interesting subjects I learn now, will allow me to feel more at ease and prepared in the near future with applying to university and tackling the different challenges that life brings on.
Although education is not everything, I think that with such a multi-cultural, innovative and well laid out education curriculum, you are well prepared for what follows after high school, equipped with deep knowledge, international social connections and a unique schooling experience.

I’ve started year 13, the last year of my secondary school education, and look forward to what life has in store for me next. The stability provided by the head of sixth form has made these last few years feel reliable, which is appreciated. Most of the support and genuine concern for my education that has thus far been offered by my teachers has made me feel confident in my abilities to achieve anything; if only I work hard enough. The educational tools that BISL has provided me with will surely prove useful and will definitely lead to the creation of opportunities in my future.

Year 12 Contributions
Coming into a new school is always a daunting prospect. However, I have high expectations and ambitions for the upcoming school year. I am particularly looking forward to the many activities offered in this school like the Adventure Day and volunteering around school. Besides, the educational programme provided in BISL is incredible- with wonderful teachers and welcoming classmates. I distinctly enjoy the sixth form as it seems like a big family, everyone being polite, friendly, accepting and helpful. I have had nothing but positive experiences!

I have been in BISL since Year 10 and began IGCSEs when I came. This is now my third year and so far I am a big fan of sixth form. We have come together with the Year 13 students as one community and this has given me in particular an excellent opportunity to learn from them, since they have solid experience with A-level courses and teachings and the sixth form school life overall. I am currently excited for the adventure trip which the school has organized. Apart from this I am glad that as sixth formers we can be in close communication with the SLT and suggest ideas to make our time here productive and enjoyable.