Dear Parents,

Following on from the reopening letter sent out last week here, we have waited for the guidance from the Ministry of Health as we continue to plan for our staggered start back to school on Monday 18th May. During this time we have made safety our number 1 priority and have all agreed to plan ahead for students to come back in a calm, organised and steady manner. Although we all would like the students back in school, we are not in a rush and we will do this in a coordinated approach. A full plan for this approach can be found here, it includes:

  • Reopening Procedures
  • Safety Procedures
  • Timetable of when classes aim to come back
  • Plan for Monday 18th May
  • FAQs
  • Contact Details

In Primary, we aim to bring back our Early Years and Year 1 on the first day Monday 18th May. The Early Years group will be split into 3 groups to adhere to all safety guidance and we will split the Year 1 class into 2 groups. Year 2, 3 and onwards will return in the following days to continue a safe and organised staggered start back to the school. This will be coordinated by Ms. Zelezinger.

In the Secondary, we will welcome back Years 10-13 on Monday 18th May. These years are following their IGCSE and A Level classes and will be in lessons, completing assessments or gathering evidence for the CAIE exam board. This will be coordinated by Mr. Batson and Ms. Andronikos. The rest of the Secondary classes will return in the following days in accordance to our plan below.