A word from Ms Andronikos

This week Mr Eve started with talks of a ‘bucket list’, a list outlining what you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. It is an ever-changing list as you age, develop and priorities change. He explained that he made a list when he was younger, and whilst he has achieved so much so far, it is still a long list as he continues to add to it. He conducted a survey at BISL to find out what do BISL students and teachers want to do in their lifetimes and it was discovered that much of the community share common goals with the rest of the world. Items included, travel, sky diving, university and buying a house. Mr Eve urged everyone to make a list and keep updating it!

This week the English staff continued to promote book week, with much discussion around everyone’s favourite books. It is great to see students stopping in the corridor to see what teachers are reading currently and engaging in enthusiastic conversations around books.

I’d also like to give parents a final reminder to ensure that interviews are booked with their children’s teachers for the 17th to 19th March. Here is the link as a reminder:


These bookings will close at 16:00 on Tuesday 10th March. Reports will be issued to families on Friday 13th March, so that these results can be discussed in interviews.

I wish all families to be safe and healthy at this time and have a wonderful weekend.

Stephanie Andronikos

Head of Secondary

BISL Health Advice - Principal's Message

Our Health Advice page includes updated information that you can read through and specifically highlights the following about the Coronavirus:

  • Advice/Links understanding the virus
  • Additional Information
  • How to protect yourself and others from getting sick
  • Symptoms and what to do

Staying at home is the advice for anyone in our school community showing symptoms and then to please seek medical advice immediately by first calling +386 31 646 617 (National Institute of Public Health) for more information or calling your personal doctor.

In school, we have continued to upgrade all hygiene and health monitoring procedures. Which include:

  1. Increased the number of gel-sanitizer dispensers around the school and the frequency with which students and staff use these.
  2. The disinfection of common areas (Handles, stair rails etc.).
  3. Increase of cleaning during the school day.

We will contact parents immediately if there are any further developments and continue to our best wishes from the BISL community.

Mr Walton

News from Science

This week we would like to share a blog written by Jernej of Year 9 and recognize the outstanding work of Oriol and Camie in Year 10A who received this week’s science certificates. Well done to both students.

News from Year 7

Year 7 is actively exploring the concept of "thinking outside the box" this block, during form time. After discussing the meaning of this expression the students have been facing different situations where they needed to explore different ways of thinking to find the solutions.

Mrs Poulet

Yr Form Tutor

World Book Day

This Thursday was world book day and, as part of our ongoing English theme block, BISL are encouraging all students to develop their love of reading over the next few weeks. Mr. Newsham spoke to secondary students and teachers to ask them to identify books that have been important to them. Ivan in Year 12 chose Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, saying: 'the novel explores the ideas of conscience and gives the reader an extremely deep insight into Raskolnikov's mind.' Meanwhile, Caterina, in Year 13 chose Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: a novel which deals with a dystopian society in which books are banned and any which are found are burnt.

The teachers too shared a diverse range of favourite books. Ms. Dascalescu chose Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Mr. Batson chose Heresy by S.J. Paris, and Mr. Eve identified A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Over the next few weeks, students are encouraged to read as many new books as possible. These can be novels, collections of poetry or short stories, or even nonfiction. The more that students read, the better!

Mr Newsham

Head of English

Uniform Shop - updated items

We are very proud of the students and the way they wear their uniform, as that is often commented on by the visitors who are impressed with the high-quality presentation of our students. Our uniform is and always will be a very important aspect of our School and our values. We are delighted to present the link to the updated stock on our uniform shop.

Any information as well as uniform samples (for sizing) are available in the admissions office.

Take a look at some previews of our updated items:

Please visit our UNIFORM SHOP to purchase these new additions.

We are also happy to announce that new outfits will be introduced to the existing uniform, and more information on this will be shared shortly (hoodies, water bottles etc.)!

Max's Moment - A Student's Perspective

Welcome back everyone!

I hope everyone had a successful and productive first week back and I hope that this week is treating you kindly as well. Last week in addition to this week has seen many assessments and their results, with many students, especially the higher years, being rather stressed and concerned for their grades. However, I urge students to think optimistically about their results, both good and bad, in order to get a retrospective view on how they can improve and what topics and subjects they have to scrutinise their comprehension of. To actively ameliorate and learn from past mistakes may be an essential skill on your bucket actually- a topic Mr. Eve spoke of during this week’s assembly. Regarding bucket lists, Mr. Eve articulated the benefits of having and keeping a bucket list. Though ironically referring to passing away, a bucket list is a great reminder that our time is limited and should be savoured and appreciated with long lasting, great memories we make from both having and sharing amazing experiences. As a fellow student, I know how difficult it is to focus on enjoying yourself and having new ‘experiences’ when there will always be an upcoming test or difficult topic on the horizon, which therefore only eventuates a guilty conscience when we do take the time to tick something off our bucket list. However, there are many benefits to actively having and updating a bucket list. Firstly, it gives you a clear representation of what you want to achieve and get from life. Contemplating whether you really want to experience a new culture, or get that promotion is something for you to decide. As such, keeping a bucket list can be very exciting- you never know what you are going to do next!

Keeping you focused and motivated on your next goal, and pushing yourself out of your comfort level to do so can feel extremely rewarding. However, especially as young students, it simply allows us to dream bigger!

Max, Year 10