A word from Mrs Železinger

First of all, we would like to welcome all the new students that have joined BISL in both primary and secondary this block. Being an international school, we are very lucky to have students from different countries visiting and enrolling into our programmes throughout the year. By sharing new experiences, students enrich the learning and social life of their peers and the BISL community.

Continuing the PSHE curriculum topic of Relationships, this week the focus has been on developing an understanding of ‘healthy relationships’ and how to be ‘fair’ in relationships with friends and family. As part of Safeguarding, students will be learning to identify unhealthy behaviours and develop their understanding of what constitutes ‘NOT OK’ behaviour (Domestic Violence & Abuse). All BISL staff take part in regular training in the Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures and policy (link here), in order to be able to educate and safeguard students. We urge parents to talk to their children about safeguarding issues at home to reinforce important messages and keep them and other children safe. Further guidance and support can be found on the NSPCC website (UK) or POND website (Slovenia). If parents have any safeguarding concerns, they should contact their child’s Class Teacher/Tutor or the school’s Child Protection Officer, Katarina Železinger, directly on (katarina.zelezinger@britishschool.si).

This Thursday 5th March, we also celebrated World Book Day. Various activities were prepared by teachers to promote reading and the love of books. In the world of technology, students often forget about books and turn to other forms of entertainment. Different ways to encourage good reading habits in children can be found here.

It is not true we have only one life to live, if we can read, we can live as many lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish."
S.I. Hayakawa

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Železinger

Head of Primary

BISL Health Advice - Principal’s message

Our Health Advice page includes updated information that you can read through and specifically highlights the following about the Coronavirus:

  • Advice/Links understanding the virus
  • Additional Information
  • How to protect yourself and others from getting sick
  • Symptoms and what to do

Staying at home is the advice for anyone in our school community showing symptoms and then to please seek medical advice immediately by first calling +386 31 646 617 (National Institute of Public Health) for more information or calling the number of your personal doctor.

In school, we have continued to upgrade all hygiene and health monitoring procedures. Which include:

  1. Increased the number of gel-sanitizer dispensers around the school and the frequency with which students and staff use these.
  2. The disinfection of common areas (Handles, stair rails etc.).
  3. Increased cleaning during the school day.

We will contact parents immediately if there are any further developments and continue to our best wishes from the BISL community.

Mr Walton

News from Early Years

Let's Go to the Shop! Early Years' current Topic is Shopping. The children have been excited to play in their new Supermarket area. They have been using their language skills to communicate with each other as well as their mathematical knowledge to buy and sell items. We have incorporated Shopping into our Phonics and Maths lessons too, with the children reading and writing shopping lists and learning about money. Oh, what fun!

Mrs O’Hara

News from Year 1

As we are learning about myths and legends and to celebrate World Book Day, Y1 invited parents into our classroom to share stories from their home countries.

Also a warm welcome to our new student teacher who will be with us for the next 8 weeks!

Mr Hughes

News from Year 2

This week, on Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day in Year 2, by sharing our favourite stories from around the world. It was a fantastic day and we absolutely enjoyed listening to each other's stories.

Mrs Harris

News from Year 3

As our topic for this block is 'photos, paintings and pictures', we focused on the concept of perspective in art. The class were given a small section of a painting and were asked to draw how they imagined the rest of the painting to look like. We also examined the technique of pointillism and even created our own landscape paintings based on this.

Mr Mulcahy

News from Year 6

Year 6A have been using maths blocks to help us solve spatial, logic word problems in preparation for the Kangaroo Maths Competition coming up in a few short weeks.

Mrs Charlesworth

News from Slovene

In Y1/2 Slovene Basic class, we celebrated World Book Day by reading Slovene books. The students were excellent and supported each other with challenging words.

Well done, everyone!

Ms Kotnik

News from French

Year 3 is currently working on the book "La chenille qui fait des trous". After revising the days and learning about fruits they started a project creating their own book based on the story.

Mrs Poulet

News from PE

Year 5 & 6 are doing a block of gymnastics. We wanted to share some great photos from the Year 5 lesson, where we were learning how to do different skills on the small trampoline. Follow our BISL Sport Instagram page for more exciting content!

Mr Damjan

Orbital Ski Days

We have extended the due date for your child to apply to the first Orbital Education International Ski Days until this Sunday 8 March 2020. The venue will take place in the Vogel ski resort. If you are interested in applying for this 4-day skiing trip, please check your email where you will find all the required information. The trip is available for all students from Year 5 onward.

Mr Damjan

Uniform shop - updated items

We are very proud of the students and the way they wear their uniform, as that is often commented on by the visitors who are impressed with the high-quality presentation of our students. Our uniform is and always will be a very important aspect of our School and our values. We are delighted to present the link to the updated stock on our uniform shop.

Any information, as well as uniform samples (for sizing), are available in the admissions office.

Take a look at some previews of our updated items:

Please visit our UNIFORM SHOP to purchase these new additions.

We are also happy to announce that new outfits will be introduced to the existing uniform, and more information on this will be shared shortly (hoodies, water bottles etc.)!