A word from Mrs Železinger

We were delighted to see so many parents attending parent-teacher meetings this week and taking the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress.

Christmas Celebrations continued with the Early Years student performance for the parents this morning. Thank you also to the parents for their delightful play depicting The Very Cranky Bear story (some more information below).

With the first layer of snow, the students enjoyed their outdoor play today- some snowmen have appeared in the woodland area already. Make sure you bring your winter clothes next week and be able to join in all the fun.

As part of the PSHE and Wellbeing Programme, students thought about music and its influence on our emotions. We all know that various types of music affect people, but did you know that animals too can be influenced by music? The sion lion, for example, is able to accurately keep in time with varying speeds of rhythm. Next time you watch a scary movie, remember that it would be much less scary if it were not for the music! At BISL, students have been known to work much more productively with a quiet tune playing in the background, so have a go and see how music affects your mood. If you would like to read more about how music influences the brain (learning, mood, behaviour and so on), try this link.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Železinger

Head of Primary

Music is the universal language of mankind."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

News from Early Years

We are almost at the end of our Superheroes Topic. This week's focus has been the fantastic story of Supertato - a super strong, super speedy superhero who saves all the vegetables from the Evil Pea. Early Years have been writing about Supertato, drawing and painting pictures of the story as well as reenacting the story through their very own puppet theatre. They have had lots of fun counting the "tatoes", ordering them according to size and catching the evil peas with the tweezers. Today they received a note from Supertato with a mission to find all the evil peas hiding around our classroom. It's safe to say the mission was a success. Well done Early Years!

Today, Early Years held their traditional Christmas plays. The first play, The Gigantic Turnip, was performed by the Early Years children. The children had been rehearsing for weeks and were so excited to share their performance with their families. They did an amazing job, singing loudly and proudly! The second play, The Very Cranky Bear, was performed by Early Years parents. They did an equally fantastic job and we would like to thank them very much for putting on such a good show.

Mrs O’Hara

News from Year 4

Year 4s have been very busy designing and building earthquake-proof buildings. Today was the big test where we put them on an earthquake simulation table, which was very kindly created by one of our students and her father, an expert engineer in building construction. After much tension and ground-shaking tremors, we were all very happy to see that they all stayed in one piece and many even remained fairly stable under extreme conditions.

Mr Bishop

News from Year 5

This week Year 5 have been revising Perimeter, Area, Volume, and Unit Conversion in Maths lessons, planning the outline of their assessment pieces for English, and exploring the diversity of climate and environment across the Globe, embarking on an experiment to investigate the impact of the environment on plant life.

Mr Walker & Mr Irving

News from Year 6

Year 6 have been involved in an exciting Topic project this week, creating a model of the river which they have been researching in small groups. Through this teamwork, they were developing the Technological skill of being able to devise and use step-by-step plans and the Geographical skill of being able to collect and record evidence to answer geographical questions. Watch this space to see the students work on the Danube, Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi, River Nile and the Thames.

Mr Kokalj

News from MFL

To conclude their French breakfast topic, Year 4 students have been baking! After learning vocabulary about ingredients and actions they had to work out the French toast recipe that they had the chance to try in real life. They were really happy with the result and found it delicious! They are now ready to cook it again at home.

Mrs Poulet

In Year 3 Slovene we started learning about writing greeting cards, invitations and letters. Together with Y6 students, who put down their ideas for Christmas wishes, we used the opportunity to take part in a project, organised by Mrs Baltić Papež. Ela created some gorgeous Christmas cards and wrote heartwarming messages that will now be sent to some of the people living in a retirement home and have no in-laws.

Mrs Meglič

News from Performing Arts

Winter Shows

All students will be presenting music, dance, and drama performances in three shows at the end of the block. All shows take place at 4 pm in the Assembly Hall. Here are the groups for each day:

  • Monday, Dec. 16: EY, Y4, Y6, Primary Dance Club, Y12/13
  • Tuesday, Dec. 17: Y1, Y2, Y7, Y8, Y11 (GCSE music), Secondary Dance Club, Y10A staging
  • Wednesday, Dec. 18: Y3, Y5, Primary Dance Club, Y9, Y10B, Y11

Mrs Reindl

News from PE

Yesterday, for the very first time, our school hosted a floorball tournament, with the help of Olimpija Floorball Club, creating a lovely atmosphere for all the participating teams from schools around Ljubljana to enjoy at Ludus Sports Centre. Geared up with excitement, wearing their brand new BISL team kit, our team was certainly ready to take on this new challenge in a familiar setting.

After some truly nail-biting games, we are very proud to announce that our team made it through the group stage with a fantastic 3 wins and 1 defeat, going down in BISL history as being the first team of BISL students to be promoted into the playoffs!






For more photos and videos of the event, please follow BISL Sport on Instagram.

Mr Damjan

Head of PE