A word from Mrs Železinger

We are in the full swing of things in the first week back, as students continue with assessments, providing teachers with key information on the progress they have made, which will be reflected in the end of term reports. Self-reflection and peer assessment play an important part in this process, as students learn to evaluate own and others’ work, and set personal targets for development. See the sections below for more information about assessments and reporting.

Voting for the MyMachine project continues, thanks to all the students and staff. There are so many wonderful and inventive designs - it will be hard to choose the winner, but we cannot wait for the results!

This is also an exciting part of the year when students are preparing for their winter performances and concerts. Make sure to book the dates in your calendar (see the section on important dates below).

The process of forming the Primary Student Council starts this week. One student in each year-group will be selected by their class through student voting system. The Student Council plays an important role in representing the student voice: it is involved in areas of the school development, organisation of events and projects, through student-led initiatives, for the benefit of the school community. As in the words of Henrik Ibsen:

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.”

With best wishes for a good weekend,

Mrs Železinger

Head of Primary

News from Early Years

Superheroes have taken over Early Years! Our new Topic is off to a flying start. We are learning about Superheroes, and we are all very excited about it. We have our very own super special Early Years Superheroes, such as Listening Lucy, Helpful Harry and Sharing Sharon. We even have our own Superheroes Headquarters where we can dress up as superheroes and save the world!

Mrs O’Hara

News from Year 5

Jeremy Strong used to have the job of putting jam into doughnuts, but now, as a fantastic children's author, has been a 'strong' influence on Year Five's writing this week. His misuse of stereotypes has proved to be an outstanding source of comedic entertainment!

The current topic 'Desert Adaptations' has provided an insight into how living things have evolved in order to cope with the challenges presented by the harsh desert environment.

This week also saw Year Five completing their Maths assessment!

Mr Irving and Mr Walker

News from Performing Arts

The Performing Arts block is underway! Our students are looking forward to sharing their talents with you. Please note the upcoming dates:

  • Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 4 pm, Assembly Hall - A Christmas Carol, musical featuring a group of students from Y2 through Y7. All are welcome to come listen!
  • Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 16 to 18, 4 pm each day - an exciting series of Winter Shows. The specific days each year group will perform are still being settled, so they will be announced as soon as possible.

Mrs Reindl

News from MFL

After having a lot of fun learning about shops and playing merchant game last block, Year 4 students have started learning about French breakfast. They are very enthusiastic about expanding their knowledge and putting it into practice when cooking their own French breakfast recipe next week.

Mrs Poulet

News from PE

House Captains

The students from Year 6 who applied to run for the position of House Captain had presented themselves and gave their opinion on why they should be the one to be picked. On Monday 25th of November, the names of the winners will be announced. The winning students will join other House Captains representatives from Secondary at the first House Captains meeting where they will be briefed with information regarding roles, responsibilities and other challenges they will encounter.

Floorball Tournament

We are happy to announce that the date for the Floorball tournament has been confirmed. On Tuesday 10th December, our school will host a tournament between other Primary schools of Ljubljana at our sports hall. The tournament is for students born between the year of 2007 - 2010, therefore, students from Year 5 to Year 8 are welcome to join the BISL Floorball team. The best 12 players will be picked over the next few weeks and announced before the tournament starts.

Mr Damjan

Head of PE

Student Council

Do you have what it takes to be a Student Council representative for your class?

  • Feel Empathy for your classmates and our BISL community
  • Strive for Excellence making BISL the best school it can be
  • Challenge yourself and BISL to make BISL even better
  • Respect our school and the people in it

We are looking for one representative from each form. Write a letter explaining why you would be the best choice for your class during the weekend, share this letter with your class in Week 2 of Block 3. Letter due this Monday. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may write their letters with drawings and simplified language! Vote in class for your Student Council Member by Thursday, 28th November 2019.

Be prepared to meet for meetings during lunch breaks, once a week.

Good Luck,

Mrs Charlesworth

PE Initiative - Fitter Future

This year BISL are introducing some new sporting initiatives to help increase physical activity and develop new leadership skills.

Fitter Future is a sporting initiative that helps raise the amount of sporting participation whilst increasing the amount of physical activity in our students. They consist of 10-minute videos where students are able to take a break from learning and engage in some exercise. These videos can be used anytime during the school day, as well as during wet break times.

Every student has their own login, which means they can use this initiative at home during the weekends and holidays or any other time should they wish. Our staff can track their progress and award certificates for all of their hard work and dedication to becoming healthier through exercise.

For more information, visit this link.

MyMachine Project

Our MyMachine Project is Up and Running!

This week, Primary students have finally displayed the drawings of their MyMachine inventions which they have been perfecting with their Primary teachers in their afternoon Science Club. It took a while to clarify how the world will benefit from their inventions, and once they did that, their ideas were ready to be displayed in the Primary hallway. All BISL students were encouraged to cast their votes for their favourite MyMachine idea and now once the drawing is chosen, it will become a part of the secondary MyMachine project, which will be lead by the Secondary Science Department.

MyMachine Norway, Belgium, Portugal and Slovakia have already started with the second step of the project, turning an idea into a concept, and we will follow suit. Next week, the chosen MyMachine idea will be announced in our BISL Newspaper and Secondary students will have an opportunity to turn this idea into a concept, which will later on, as the last step, be turned into a prototype.

For more information about MyMachine project, click here.