A word from Mrs Železinger

It is that time of the year, where flu is on the rise and so it is not surprising that many students and staff have been away in the last few weeks. Keeping the flu (and other illnesses) away has been the focus of this week and students reminded of the hygiene routines to keep the germs away (see the poster below)! We know that students do not want to miss the fun activities at school, but it is important to keep everyone healthy, therefore, if you happen to have some flu symptoms, please stay at home to get well.

"5 sayings from your mother” that will help keep you and your loved ones healthy this winter’ by Sickbert-Bennett, is an article with useful tips on how to increase protection against infections.

Keep healthy and we hope to see you all back soon,

Mrs Železinger

Head of Primary

News from Early Years

Early Years' Topic Traditional Tales and Stories is proving to be a popular one! We have been reading different traditional stories, such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Last week our Book of the Week was The Gingerbread Man so we decided to make our very own Gingerbread Men. We had so much fun and they were delicious!

Mrs O’Hara

News from Year 1

Combining Topic and Maths, Year 1 are using their new-found skills in measurement to help design and create wonderful clothes for their teddies.

Mr Hughes

News from Year 6

The year 6 classes have been practising their dance moves and the challenging rap lyrics for our upcoming Primary assembly. Our objective is to showcase how Key stage 2 students use music to enhance and support their learning. Enjoy the photos. We are looking forward to performing for you soon.

Mrs Charlesworth & Mr Kokalj

News from MFL

Bon appétit! This Monday's cooking club showed team spirit and excellent cooking skills. Good job to our young chefs for their apple pies!

Mrs Poulet

Happy Languages Block! Year 6A has been celebrating the language richness of their class by making posters. They are exhibited on the Primary Board in the corridor. Come have a look! You will learn how a cat sounds in Polish or how a rooster sounds in French!

Mrs Poulet

New Wall Mural

We have a new wall Mural to liven up our school corridor leading to the Assembly Hall.

It combines the artistic skills and ideas of all our students. Secondary students created the artwork, reflecting the school values, while Primary and Secondary students will in turn vote to decide which designs will go on the wall next week. Stand by for more news about voting soon!

Mrs Blundell

School Uniform

Our uniform plays an important part in the school’s daily life and the wider community, as it encourages a sense of unity and common purpose; a particularly important consideration as we endeavour to welcome students from a wide variety of countries and provide them with a true sense of belonging.

We are very proud of the students and the way they wear their uniform, as that is often commented on by the visitors who are impressed with the high-quality presentation of our students.

Our uniform is and always will be a very important aspect of our School and our values. We are delighted to share the link to updated stock on our uniform shop.