As we embark on our final Block of the first term, we look back on some highlights in Primary

As we embark on our final Block of the first term, we look back on some highlights in Primary:

Primary Students in Action

For their last Topic of ‘Animals’ the Early Years visited an educational animal farm in Škofljica, where they were able to encounter various animals and bake homemade bread. The children were also visited by a therapy dog and learned how animals can help people in need.

Fashion was the focus for Y1 and Y2 classes for their Topic ‘All Dressed Up, during which they visited the Dress Design College in Ljubljana, created their own T-shirts, and presented their designs in a Fashion Show. During their Slovene lessons, Y2 also learned about the famous cat called Maček Muri.

‘What’s on the Menu’ - with Y3 and Y4 cooking throughout the last block, the menu was filled with various delicious dishes from different parts of the world, pleasing everyone’s palate.

With parents support, the Y5 class held a special Pumpkin Carving Event and produced some very imaginative designs using pumpkins of different shapes and sizes.

Year 6A and 6B enjoyed their two-day Residential Trip to Grad Prestranek at the beginning of the last Block. For their Topic ‘ The Ancient Greece’, the students prepared an informative afternoon for their parents, during which they talked about their displays and what they have learned during their research.

The Year 6 Head Boy/Girl and Prefects have shown great commitment to their roles through supporting students and teachers in different areas of the school. We are extremely proud of them. A big thank you to them all! Congratulations also goes to the Primary students, who represented BISL in the Basketball Tournament hosted by the Faculty of Sports in Ljubljana.

Orbital International Schools Collaboration

BISL primary students and teachers are actively participating in two projects involving other Orbital schools: The Flat Stanley Project is well underway, thanks to our Y2 students, whose Flat Stanleys have traveled all the way to Orbital Schools in China, Spain, Hungary, Ecuador and Qatar.

Moreover, the Orbital Winter Song is in the process of being recorder and we look forward to the finished video spot, in which BISL primary students will be singing along with students from other schools, having translated the chosen song into their local language.

Primary Autumn Reports

Primary Reports

We will be issuing the Primary Autumn Term Reports consisting of the core subject areas: English, Maths and Topic, and the EYFS Autumn Reports for Early Years on Friday 7th December. Students in the EAL program will also be provided with an the EAL Report.

Slovene (advanced/native language) Subject Report

Written report is issued at the end of the year. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress via Parent-Teaching meeting (see further information below)

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Following the Reports, we will be holding the Parent-Teacher Meetings in Early Years and Primary throughout week 4 (10th-14th December), during which you can discuss your children's progress with their Teachers. Online schedule system will be provided for parents to book a convenient time slot.


Daily notifications from parents

We ask that any last minute/on the same day notifications regarding student absence or changed pick-up arrangements are passed via email, or by texting/calling the reception mobile number: 040 486 548, as teachers may not be able to access emails until later. Receptionist will then pass on the information directly to the teacher/relevant staff member.

Student absence

Students are expected to attend school as per school year calendar. The school should be duly notified of any student absences and a valid reason provided, or absence will be marked as unauthorised. For any requests of absence during term-time permission should be sought in writing from the Principal using the Leave of Absence Request form. Please refer to our Attendance Policy for information and procedures.

Winter Clothing

We encourage children to play outside in all weathers and so we ask that students bring to school weather- appropriate clothing to change into for their outdoor breaks:

  • waterproof jackets and trousers (ski outfits are also good for snow)
  • hats, scarfs and gloves
  • warm, waterproof footwear such as rain boots/wellies or winter/ski boots

You can keep track of the upcoming events and important information through the weekly Primary Newsletter.

With best wishes,

Katarina Železinger, Head of Primary