Dear Parents,
We end the block with another Winter Adventure Trip and our Year 11, 12 and 13 students off to enjoy skiing and other fun activities in the snow. The students have had a great time over the past 3 weeks and the photos look stunning of the excellent conditions and glorious weather they have enjoyed!
Today is House Dress Down Day, as an all-through school we can't wait to celebrate together across the year groups and showcase our House pride!
A highlight of this week has seen our students completing their 'Mangahigh' competitions. We've seen some amazing contributions from all students and I am personally very impressed by the passion and dedication shown by our Primary students engaging in this game-based learning platform. They've had great fun!
Maths is a real strength at BISL and our staff continue to do a great job in encouraging and supporting students. I look forward to the end of year PTM (Progress Test in Maths) results again to recognise and celebrate the progress of every individual at school.
We've had a brilliant Languages block and look forward to our next topic of celebration which is English as we return after the block break. Thank you to our Languages team and everyone involved for celebrating languages, culture and internationalism over the past 5 weeks. I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!
During the past 2 weeks our Secondary staff have completed the IGCSE and A level events for our Secondary School students, visiting classes and sharing information about courses for Year 10 through to Year 13. BISL offers a wide range of IGCSE and A level courses and I'd like to thank the amount of time and effort that everyone has put into this process so far with the personalised help and support for students.
Thank you to all parents who have filled in the Parent Survey, we really appreciate all of your feedback and as always I will pass on your positive comments to staff. Any kind word is gratefully received and makes a huge difference.
Have a great block break!
Paul Walton

BISL Road Safety Campaign
This block we've successfully launched our Road Safety campaign, which includes three fantastic articles from our students in Secondary school, encouraging everyone to drive safely. If you haven't already done so, click on the links below to read them.
- Driving Safely by Peter, Year 8
- Road Safety Statistics by Valentin, Year 8
- Road Safety article by Ema, Year 9
Thank you to all parents and visitors for keeping speed limits around school to ensure our students can arrive to and depart from school safely.
- The speed limit on Cesta 24. junija (from the train tracks and Ludus Sports Park leading up to school) is 30kph.
- The speed limit on site in the school's car park is 20kph.
Winter Adventure Day - Year 9 & 10
Last Friday our Year 9 & 10 students took to the slopes in Vogel, with glorious sunshine, to enjoy a day in the snow, with fun activities including ice skating, skiing, snowshoeing and snow rafting.

Photos are already coming in from today's Year 11-13 Adventure Day - once again, the weather couldn't be better for the trip, they're going to have a fantastic time!

Teacher Feature

For our final Teacher Feature this block, we shine the spotlight on Mr Chuter, our brilliant Business and Economics teacher.
1. Have the pick-up and drop-off procedures changed?
No, pick-up and drop-off procedures continue as usual.
2. Can parents come into the building?
All parent meetings must be conducted online until further notice. For the few key organised events, parents will enter and exit from the building via the Assembly Hall and sign the COVID Declaration Form upon entry. Further details will be shared by the event coordinating teacher.
3. Will students go outside for break?
Students will continue to be encouraged and taken outside as usual every break time.
4. Should students bring in water bottles?
Yes, water bottles filled with water should be brought from home.
5. Will classrooms be ventilated?
Yes, classrooms continue to be ventilated regularly, and classroom doors remain open at all times.
6. Will there be hand sanitisers in every classroom?
Yes. Hand sanitisers are also available at the entrance and in common areas across the school.
7. Will online lessons be conducted during the day for students who choose not to attend school or have tested positive currently?
When the provision for students is at school, our teachers follow the usual timetables and teach the students in school. They will continue to upload work onto Canvas for students who are absent from school at the end of the day. If a Year group has transitioned to online learning, their lessons will continue online until that Year group returns. Once the Year group has returned to the school, the teacher will teach during the day and assist those absent by continuing to upload some resources from the school day.
8. Will school lunches continue to be available?
Yes, lunches will be served as usual in the canteen. Please order online as per usual. Cancellations can be made with 24 hours' notice.
9. Do all students and teachers have to wear masks in the classroom?
Students and teachers are required to wear masks as per the guidance below. We are in direct communication with the Ministry of Education and Health regarding updates on safety guidance.

10. Can students wear fabric masks?
No. Surgical or FFP2 masks are required as recommended by the NIJZ.
11. Will the school provide surgical masks to students?
Limited replacements are available should theirs break during the day, however, all students are required to supply their own masks. Parents are asked to ensure their child has a mask prior to being dropped off.
12. Are teachers vaccinated or getting regularly tested?
Over 95% of our staff are now fully vaccinated or have recently recovered. Ongoing regular testing will continue for the remaining staff.
13. Will students have to complete self-testing?
Yes, as sent out on Friday 12th November, we will follow the guidelines shared by the Ministry, with parent consent, students from age 6+ will be self-tested on site under the supervision of our school nurse.
14. Where can I get self-testing kits?
These are available free of charge from any pharmacy. If your child does not have a Slovene health card, you may be asked for proof of enrolment, which can be obtained swiftly from school by emailing if required.
15. What kind of self-tests are accepted?
HAG self-testing kits (nasal swabs) for students in schools are available free of charge from any pharmacy, as per NIJZ directive.
16. How can I give consent to the self-testing of my child?
You will receive an email from the school on Monday 15th November with a link to complete to ensure that your child can self-test at school.
17. Will distance learning be provided if I do not give consent?
Yes, access to class work will be given to students who are on distance learning/do not give consent to self-testing. This will not be a 'real-time' link to the lesson, it will include activities shared with the student online via Canvas or through email.
18. How often will students be tested?
3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
19. Does the school provide the self-testing kits?
No. Families must obtain the self-testing kits from the pharmacy, free of charge, and bring it with them to school.
20. What happens if a student doesn't bring a test with them to school on the day of testing?
If a student does not bring a test with them, they will need to transition to online learning (according to the Minister of Education) immediately and are sent home, the student will be isolated and the parents will be called to take the student home or bring in a test for them to use immediately.
21. Can students leave spare tests in school?
Secondary students may leave spare test kits in their own locker, but are responsible for having a test ready on the days of testing (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
Primary students should have a test kit ready in their school bag on each day of testing (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
The school is not responsible for the safe-keeping of test kits.
22. Do vaccinated children need to self-test?
23. Do those children who have had COVID in the past 6 months need to self-test?
24. What happens if there is a positive case?
The student will be sent home to then see a doctor for further advice and guidance.
We continue to ensure that the privacy of those affected is respected during this tough time.
25. Do siblings of positive students also need to quarantine for 7 days?
Under the current guidance, siblings of a positive student, or any student with a positive family member in the household, must stay at home in quarantine for 7 days.
There are three possible exemptions for this quarantine if the student meets any of the following criteria, they can return to school:
- has been triple vaccinated
- has been double vaccinated and has recovered from COVID
- has recovered from covid in the last 45 days but not within the last 10 days
If they do not meet any of the three criteria above, they must stay at home in quarantine for 7 days.
26. Can students and staff avoid quarantine if they have been triple vaccinated?
Triple vaccinated students and staff avoid quarantine if they do not have symptoms.
27. Can students and staff avoid quarantine if they have been double vaccinated and have had COVID?
Double vaccinated students and staff who have had COVID can also avoid quarantine if they do not have symptoms.
28. Can students and staff avoid quarantine if they have recovered from COVID within the last 45 days?
Students and staff who have recovered from COVID in the last 45 days, but not within the last 10 days can also avoid quarantine if they do not have symptoms.

Any student who has not had any vaccinations or Covid will need to complete the full 7 days of quarantine.
29. What is the definition of high risk close contact?
The NIJZ definition of a high-risk close contact:
- persons, living in joint household with a COVID-19 patient;
- direct contact at less than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes;
- other physical contacts or contacts with secretions (handshaking, hugging, use of common objects);
- staying indoors for more than 15 minutes (joint household, office, waiting room in a medical institution, joint lunch, socialising at the same desk/table, etc.);
- travelling in the same vehicle at less than 2 metres.
30. When are entire classes quarantined? - effective 19.01.2022 as per new government guidance
Entire classes will be quarantined only if more than 30% of students of a single class test positive over the span of 14 days. (detailed on page 11 of the linked NIJZ report)
The only students who are still required to self-isolate are those who test positive.
The following guidance is for students in Year 2 - Year 13 and Teachers:
- If there is a positive test, the student that tested positive is sent home for 7 days, then this class is tested daily until the end of the 7 day period, or until there are no positive tests in the class.
- In-Class Learning continues for this class.
- If someone else in the class tests positive, the 7-day daily testing window restarts.
- If over 30% of the class is positive, then the class transitions to Online Learning until the end of quarantine. Heads of School will monitor the percentages in each class to track this.
- Teachers in contact with an affected class (Form Tutor / Class Teacher) can stay in school but need daily tests too and must use FFP2 masks only.
There is no change in guidance for Early Years and Year 1.
31. Do students and staff need an FFP2 mask each day?
Students can wear a surgical mask or FFP2 mask at school each day. If there has been a positive case in the class, the students will proceed with daily self-testing, but will not be required to wear a FFP2 mask.
Teachers in contact with the affected class (Form Tutor / Class Teacher) are required to wear a FFP2 mask and will also do the daily testing.
32. Can siblings of positive students return to school?
Under the current guidance, siblings of a positive student, or any student with a positive family member in the household, must stay at home in quarantine for 7 days.
There are three possible exemptions for this quarantine if the student meets any of the following criteria, they can return to school:
- has been triple vaccinated
- has been double vaccinated and has recovered from COVID
- has recovered from covid in the last 45 days but not within the last 10 days
If they do not meet any of the three criteria above, they must stay at home in quarantine for 7 days.
33. How long is the isolation period for positive students?
The isolation period is now reduced to 7 days from Monday January 24, according to new government guidance, provided the person does not have fever or any other Covid symptoms 24 hours before the end of self-isolation and tests negative on the seventh day at an approved testing provider.
If the rapid antigen test is positive on the seventh day, the person keeps self-isolating and does another test the following day until the tenth day, when self-isolation ends in line with the regime so far.
34. Do students who are positive on the self-test at school need to get a PCR test to confirm their positive result?
No. As per new government guidance, from the 1st of February, a rapid antigen (HAG) test certificate is enough to confirm infection. Please contact your family doctor for further guidance.
35. If there is a positive student in the class, does everyone else in the class need to do daily self-testing for 7 days?
All students in the class have to do daily self-testing for 7 days, unless they meet any of the following three exemption criteria:
- has been triple vaccinated
- has been double vaccinated and has recovered from COVID
- has recovered from covid in the last 45 days but not within the last 10 days
If they do not meet any of the three criteria above, they must do daily self-testing for 7 days.
BISL COVID Plan - since week beginning Monday 15th November
- Masks - No Fabric masks please. Only Surgical or FFP2 masks are allowed as mentioned by the new government decree.
- Canvas - will be used as the online learning environment for all students Year 2 and above. For EY and Year 1, the classroom teachers will email out if students transition to online learning.
- Self-testing - will continue for those students in Year 2 and above that are not vaccinated/recovered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The self-testing will continue to be supervised by our full time School Nurse, Teja Rismondo. We are very lucky to have an in-house, qualified medical professional who can work with our students and staff every day.
- Vaccination Certificates and Evidence - this will continue to be checked for those that state they have had a double vaccination or have had Covid as we aim to be as safe as possible. Thank you to all students/parents who bring in a copy of evidence. Those that do not have double vaccination or have Covid immunity will take self-tests or transition to online learning as outlined by the ministry.
Please be as safe as possible as we navigate through the current high cases of COVID and I thank all parents, teachers and students in advance for following guidance both in the school and in our wider communities.
BISL Health and Safety Guidelines
- We are following the general rules and guidance by the Ministry, WHO and NIJZ regarding distancing and hygiene, as well as the use surgical or FFP2 (ages 6+) masks. Please ensure that your child arrives to school wearing such an appropriate mask.
- As a school, we have a direct contact with the ministry and receive specific instructions, following any changes in our situation, solely for our school community. These obviously, may differ from the general worldwide or regional guidance (shared by social media or aired by the news) depending on the cases in our immediate community.
- A part of this guidance is to stay away from school if you show any symptoms and consult your doctor accordingly. As we enter the 'flu season', many of our staff, students and parents will have flu symptoms, and we ask everyone to stay away until you are tested if you show any signs.
- If you are tested positive, stay home, and isolate accordingly, following further guidance from your doctor, as recommended by the NIJZ.
- Over 95% of our staff are now fully vaccinated, or have recovered within the last 6 months.
- We also ask the community to stay away from friends and family who have tested positive or those that have symptoms and are awaiting a test.
- We also want to be as safe as possible and ensure that the privacy of families is respected during this tough time.
BISL Daily Routines
- Ongoing daily clean of premises
- Classrooms are well ventilated and classroom doors remain open
- Key areas are cleaned multiple times a day (reception, classrooms, bathrooms, bannisters, door handles, etc.)
- Drop off team continue to wear masks at all times
- Declaration Form to be signed by all key visitors
- Extra resources for hygiene available (sprays, wipes, gels, hand sanitisers, masks etc.)
- Temperature checks when required
- School Nurse available (full time)
- All teachers are required to wear masks in key areas
- Coronavirus Prevention guidance posters displayed around school
- Smaller classes where necessary
- Lunches and snacks are served in the new canteen following the guidance from NIJZ
- Staff and parent meetings and events to be held online
- Daily Review of all procedures by the Leadership Team
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Previous Updates
- 28.01.22 - Winter Adventure Days
- 21.01.22 - Student Appreciation Day
- 14.01.22 - Road Safety Campaign
- 07.01.22 - Coffee with the Principal
- 17.12.21 - Holiday Message
- 10.12.21 - Snowfall Fun; Road Safety
- 03.12.21 - Santa's Visit
- 26.11.21 - Holiday Decorations; Self-testing Update
- 19.11.21 - Anti-Bullying Awareness Week; Self-testing Update
- 14.11.21 - COVID-19 Update
- 05.11.21 - Halloween Celebrations; Founder's Day
- 29.10.21 - Open Day; Health & Safety FAQs
- 22.10.21 - Robotics, School Canteen
- 15.10.21 - Teacher Appreciation Day; Exam Revision
- 08.10.21 - Coffee Morning Updates
- 24.09.21 - Block 1 review
- 17.09.21 - School Trips, Teacher Feature
- 10.09.21 - Parent Tours of the New Building, Uniform Sale
- 03.09.21 - Coffee with the Principal & PTA Mini Breakfast
- 27.08.21 - New Building Quick Facts, Events On Site
- 20.08.21 - Welcome Back Update from the Principal
- 13.08.21 - End of Summer Update from the Principal