Dear Parents,
The new building is in use! - an amazing feeling. As I drove in this morning, I stopped at the barrier, took a picture out of the car window and have included it below. It was an amazing feeling to see the new building, the illuminated sign and the start of the day. It made me feel very proud of what we have all achieved together and excited for the future.

Thank you to all parents who attended the coffee morning today, it was great to see everyone and share with you updates about our school. After counting the security sign in sheet and COVID forms, we had over 70 parents attend. This is fantastic, thank you for your support and time today to come into school, listen to updates and to see the new building. I thoroughly enjoyed showing parents our new building and what we have done so far with the areas that are completed and have been used this week. It was wonderful to see all of the classrooms, key areas and also a beautiful day to see the scenic view across Ljubljana from the rooftop room. We look forward to the students using the library, robotics room and other areas next week!
Please see a copy of my Coffee morning slides here.
This morning we covered:
- General updates
- New School nurse and Medical Room
- New Building first lessons
- Lego Robots
- Examination Results
- How we can improve
- Upcoming events
- Tour of the building
The next coffee morning is on Friday 8th October from 7.45am. A great way to meet other families, listen to school updates and I am free to talk to individuals after the event if convenient. As mentioned this morning, it is a great feeling to finally see everyone again in person!
On Monday 6th September, we start:
- After school activities, this will add further opportunities for our students to get involved in, have fun and learn new skills in a wide range of clubs at BISL.
- School trips - Adventure Days, House of Illusions, Science Museum etc.
Please note as mentioned below, we have events on site next week. This will be reviewed weekly.
Finally, thank you to all parents for your positive comments/feedback about teachers at drop off, the coffee morning and also via email. I pass these on to our staff and it makes such a huge difference and is very much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend!
Paul Walton
Health & Safety / COVID Update
There is no change regarding masks, cough/hand hygiene and the delivery of lunches to classrooms from last week.
Our school is open, lessons run as normal and our After School Provision will start on Monday September 6 with a range of clubs on offer for BISL students.
Further guidance regarding vaccinations or testing will be confirmed once national guidance is released.
I have included the guidance for masks below:

Events Next Week
Events held next week will be held in school. This will be reviewed each Friday in line with guidance. The next update will be released on Friday 10th September.
Parents will need to wear masks, follow the safety guidance and sign a declaration form at the event.
- Tuesday, 7th September - SEN Presentation
- Wednesday, 8th September - Gifted & Talented Presentation
All of our upcoming events, and more details, are listed on the school website here.
Enrichment Days
We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow for our first Enrichment Day of the Academic Year!
If you'd like to sign up for next week's opportunity, on Saturday September 11th, please click here to register.
New Building - First Lessons

We've had our first lessons in the New Building!
The students in Early Years enjoyed a fantastic story about Owls from Ms Gillespie, while our Year 2A and 2B students were thrilled to have a reading from Ms Harris about Pirates! - a wonderful way to start off our new library in style.
Find out more about these first lessons here.
School Calendar
Our school calendar for the 2021-22 academic year is available here.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Previous Updates
- 27.08.21 - New Building Quick Facts, Events On Site
- 20.08.21 - Welcome Back Update from the Principal
- 13.08.21 - End of Summer Update from the Principal