Dear Parents,
I hope you have had a relaxing and restful summer. We are all very excited to see the students again and welcome everyone back to the new term!
We've had a great summer with our Summer School, in which we had over 70 students enjoying a range of activities and fun lessons at BISL. After this success, we aim to have more camps in the future and have also planned to have 2 Enrichment Days in September (Saturdays 4th and 11th), free for all BISL students to attend. A fantastic way for the students to get together, have fun and to be active. Look out for more details of this in the first newsletter at the beginning of term.
With the outstanding academic results during the summer announced, we have achieved the highest standards in IGCSE and A Level. A big thank you to all staff who have worked extremely hard with all of our students. The amount of time, effort and determination our students at BISL have put into these exams has been incredible. I am very proud of each and every single student and teacher in our school.
I am very much looking forward to the new term and especially seeing all of the families return, welcoming our new families to BISL, seeing the students meet their teachers and the excitement and energy of the first day back at school. We are looking forward to a wonderful 2021/22, working together and creating some amazing learning experiences for our students!
Kind regards,
Paul Walton
Summer School
Our students had a blast at this year's two-week Summer School at BISL, take a look:
Communication - New teachers and new academic year
By Tuesday 17th August, you will receive the following:
- Update from the Head of School (Primary/Secondary)
- Welcome email from your class teacher/form tutor, introducing themselves, giving out information for the start of term.
Orientation Day Schedule - Friday August 20

We look forward to welcoming both parents and students on Friday 20th August ahead of the first day of school, to give you the opportunity to meet your teachers, classmates and get to know other families!
You will find the full schedule for Orientation Day here.
Examination Results

As the British International School of Ljubljana continues to lead the way for academic success, we are delighted to announce the outstanding results achieved by our students in their recent IGCSE, AS and A Level examination series. Congratulations to our students in this year’s examination cohorts, we are very proud of each and every one of you!
You will find details of our results here.
New Building - Sneak Peek
After a busy period of deliveries including furniture, hardware and learning equipment for the new building over the summer, we are excited to show you the developments that have taken place recently. You will find the details shared in Update 1 here.
Health and Safety - COVID 19
We will send out a further update next Friday as we await guidance from the ministry. At the present moment, we are aiming to start with all students in the building, all lessons as normal on Monday 23rd August, following the same health and safety procedures as we had at the end of term.
Upcoming Events
All of our upcoming events are listed on the school website here.
School Calendar
Our school calendar for the 2021-22 academic year is available here.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record. If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.