Dear Parents,
An incredible week! - I think we all have felt a range of emotions over the past 5 days from excitement and eagerness to be starting the school year back in classes, to a sense of fulfilment and tiredness at the end of such a busy week.
Thank you to everyone for making this such a positive start back to the year! I really appreciate it.
We've started back very well but we have to be honest about areas which we can do better with as a school, our pick up procedures at the end of the day will improve and I thank you in advance for your patience with this. We are also planning to move all lunches back into a new canteen area and this will undoubtedly help with the quality of food our students have each day. This is something we can do very quickly.
Also, other areas such as helping students settle into the academic year will take time as they make new friends, get to know new teachers, and for students to learn new subjects. All of this comes with being in an international school. It is both a challenge and also an exciting part of students moving up from one school grade to another. We are here to support all students as everyone will have to experience change at some point.
To finish the week safely, students smiling and lots of great photos of them learning in class through our social media is a wonderful way to share with you their experiences so far.
With the after-school activities to start on Monday 6th September, we are looking forward to more opportunities for our students.
Please note as mentioned below, we are opening up events on site next week. This will be reviewed weekly.
Wishing you a fantastic weekend,
Paul Walton
Health & Safety / COVID Update
There is no change regarding masks, cough/hand hygiene and the delivery of lunches to classrooms from last week.
Our school is open, lessons run as normal and our After School Provision will start soon with a range of clubs on offer for BISL students.
Further guidance regarding vaccinations or testing will be confirmed once national guidance is released.
I have included the guidance for masks below:

Events Next Week
Events held between Monday 30th August to Friday 3rd of September will be held in school. This will be reviewed each Friday in line with guidance. The next update will be released on Friday 3rd September.
Parents will need to wear masks, follow the safety guidance and sign a declaration form at the event.
- Monday 30th August - EAL in Primary Presentation
- Tuesday 31st August - Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (MEPI) Information Evening
- Thursday 2nd September - EAL in Secondary Presentation
- Friday 3rd September - Coffee with the Principal
- Saturday 4th September - Enrichment Day
Upcoming Events
All of our upcoming events, and more details, are listed on the school website here.
Enrichment Days
Our next set of Enrichment Days take place on Saturday September 4th and Saturday September 11th.
New Building - Quick Facts

With our first lessons on Monday 30th August, we are very excited to use the new building and especially thrilled to have 'Storytelling' and literacy lessons amongst the first to take place in our new Learning Hub library. Find out more details of this space here.
School Calendar
Our school calendar for the 2021-22 academic year is available here.
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Previous Updates
- 20.08.21 - Welcome Back Update from the Principal
- 13.08.21 - End of Summer Update from the Principal