Dear Parents,
We started our week delighted with the relaxation of Covid guidance that students no longer needed to self-test in school. This was great news and we hope for a further reduction of measures in the near future!
It's been a very busy week with our whole-school English team creating many activities, projects and exciting opportunities for our students. We are extremely excited to listen to the 'BISL Tannoy Tales' which will be the first time we will use the sound system across both buildings to play stories for our students to enjoy! This is a momentous occasion for us and one that we are very much looking forward to as a school. Thank you to our English team for a brilliant start to the English block!
As mentioned last week, we invite you all to join us online to welcome the New Principal, Mr Matthew Cox, who will join us live to introduce himself during the next Coffee with the Principal next Friday, March 4, on Zoom. You will find details below.
Thank you to parents who have already used the new uniform shop, we are delighted that our new provider offers the following:
- Free delivery to school every 15 days
- Free standard delivery to your home address on orders above €125
- €12.50 standard delivery to your home address on orders below €125
There is also a FREE Returns service through school, so you don’t have to worry about any costs associated with that anymore either! To place an order, click here.
During this term we are planning ahead for trips, as all classes can now be taken out on some exciting visits and experiences during Term 2 and 3. We look forward to seeing our students get out and about in Ljubljana.
And lastly, please take a look at the fantastic Parent Survey results that were shared earlier today. I would like to say thank you once again for all of you for taking the time to complete our surveys, your feedback continues to be very much appreciated.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Paul Walton
Coffee with the New Principal
During our next online Coffee Morning, on Friday March 4 at 9am via Zoom, our parents will have the wonderful opportunity to hear from our incoming Principal, Mr Matthew Cox, who will be joining us on Zoom for a chat over coffee.
Save the link below in your calendars to join us!
Parent Survey Results
We are delighted to share with you the results of our most recent annual Parent Survey:
Teacher Feature

For a further insight into our English Department, take a look at the latest Teacher Feature, with Mr Wilkins.
Mangahigh Maths Challenge
Our students have recently taken part in the COBIS Mangahigh Maths competition, earning a fantastic total of 2.505 medal points! Click on the link below for details.
School Uniform
School uniform encourages a sense of unity and common purpose - a particularly important consideration as we welcome students from a wide variety of countries and endeavour to provide them with a true sense of belonging.
We are delighted that our new uniform webshop with Trutex is now live. For details of uniform requirements and to start shopping, click on the link below.
Stories with Early Years
For some weekend entertainment for the little ones, if you haven't listened to our Stories with Early Years series on our YouTube channel, I encourage you to browse through our playlist of stories read by our fantastic teachers here at BISL.
BISL COVID Measure FAQs - updated 19.02.22
1. Have the pick-up and drop-off procedures changed?
No, pick-up and drop-off procedures continue as usual.
2. Can parents come into the building?
All parent meetings must be conducted online until further notice. For the few key organised events, parents will enter and exit from the building via the Assembly Hall and sign the COVID Declaration Form upon entry. Further details will be shared by the event coordinating teacher.
3. Will students go outside for break?
Students will continue to be encouraged and taken outside as usual every break time.
4. Should students bring in water bottles?
Yes, water bottles filled with water should be brought from home.
5. Will classrooms be ventilated?
Yes, classrooms continue to be ventilated regularly, and classroom doors remain open at all times.
6. Will there be hand sanitisers in every classroom?
Yes. Hand sanitisers are also available at the entrance and in common areas across the school.
7. Will online lessons be conducted during the day for students who choose not to attend school or have tested positive currently?
When the provision for students is at school, our teachers follow the usual timetables and teach the students in school. They will continue to upload work onto Canvas for students who are absent from school at the end of the day. If a Year group has transitioned to online learning, their lessons will continue online until that Year group returns. Once the Year group has returned to the school, the teacher will teach during the day and assist those absent by continuing to upload some resources from the school day.
8. Will school lunches continue to be available?
Yes, lunches will be served as usual in the canteen. Please order online as per usual. Cancellations can be made with 24 hours' notice.
9. Do all students and teachers have to wear masks in the classroom?
Students and teachers are required to wear masks as per the guidance below. We are in direct communication with the Ministry of Education and Health regarding updates on safety guidance.

10. Can students wear fabric masks?
No. Surgical or FFP2 masks are required as recommended by the NIJZ.
11. Will the school provide surgical masks to students?
Limited replacements are available should theirs break during the day, however, all students are required to supply their own masks. Parents are asked to ensure their child has a mask prior to being dropped off.
12. Are teachers vaccinated or getting regularly tested?
Over 95% of our staff are now fully vaccinated or have recently recovered. Ongoing regular testing will continue for the remaining staff.
13. How long is the isolation period for positive students?
The isolation period is reduced to 7 days from Monday January 24, according to new government guidance, provided the person does not have fever or any other Covid symptoms 24 hours before the end of self-isolation and tests negative on the seventh day at an approved testing provider. If the rapid antigen test is positive on the seventh day, the person keeps self-isolating and does another test the following day until the tenth day, when self-isolation ends in line with the regime so far.
BISL COVID Plan - updated 19.02.22
- Masks - No Fabric masks please. Only Surgical or FFP2 masks are allowed as mentioned by the new government decree.
- Canvas - will be used as the online learning environment for all students Year 2 and above. For EY and Year 1, the classroom teachers will email out if students transition to online learning.
Please be as safe as possible as we navigate through the current COVID situation and I thank all parents, teachers and students in advance for following guidance both in the school and in our wider communities.
BISL Health and Safety Guidelines
- We are following the general rules and guidance by the Ministry, WHO and NIJZ regarding distancing and hygiene, as well as the use surgical or FFP2 (ages 6+) masks. Please ensure that your child arrives to school wearing such an appropriate mask.
- As a school, we have a direct contact with the ministry and receive specific instructions, following any changes in our situation, solely for our school community. These obviously, may differ from the general worldwide or regional guidance (shared by social media or aired by the news) depending on the cases in our immediate community.
- A part of this guidance is to stay away from school if you show any symptoms and consult your doctor accordingly. As it is 'flu season', many of our staff, students and parents will have flu symptoms, and we ask everyone to stay away until you are tested if you show any signs.
- If you are tested positive, stay home, and isolate accordingly, following further guidance from your doctor, as recommended by the NIJZ.
- Over 95% of our staff are now fully vaccinated, or have recovered within the last 6 months.
- We also ask the community to stay away from friends and family who have tested positive or those that have symptoms and are awaiting a test.
- We also want to be as safe as possible and ensure that the privacy of families is respected during this tough time.
BISL Daily Routines
- Ongoing daily clean of premises
- Classrooms are well ventilated and classroom doors remain open
- Key areas are cleaned multiple times a day (reception, classrooms, bathrooms, bannisters, door handles, etc.)
- Drop off team continue to wear masks at all times
- Declaration Form to be signed by all key visitors
- Extra resources for hygiene available (sprays, wipes, gels, hand sanitisers, masks etc.)
- Temperature checks when required
- School Nurse available (full time)
- All teachers are required to wear masks in key areas
- Coronavirus Prevention guidance posters displayed around school
- Smaller classes where necessary
- Lunches and snacks are served in the new canteen following the guidance from NIJZ
- Staff and parent meetings and events to be held online
- Daily Review of all procedures by the Leadership Team
Urgent Communication
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email.
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your 'junk' folder and if you are unsure, please contact to check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Previous Updates
- 18.02.22 - Safer Internet Day
- 04.02.22 - Block 4 Thank You Message
- 28.01.22 - Winter Adventure Days
- 21.01.22 - Student Appreciation Day
- 14.01.22 - Road Safety Campaign
- 07.01.22 - Coffee with the Principal
- 17.12.21 - Holiday Message
- 10.12.21 - Snowfall Fun; Road Safety
- 03.12.21 - Santa's Visit
- 26.11.21 - Holiday Decorations; Self-testing Update
- 19.11.21 - Anti-Bullying Awareness Week; Self-testing Update
- 14.11.21 - COVID-19 Update
- 05.11.21 - Halloween Celebrations; Founder's Day
- 29.10.21 - Open Day; Health & Safety FAQs
- 22.10.21 - Robotics, School Canteen
- 15.10.21 - Teacher Appreciation Day; Exam Revision
- 08.10.21 - Coffee Morning Updates
- 24.09.21 - Block 1 review
- 17.09.21 - School Trips, Teacher Feature
- 10.09.21 - Parent Tours of the New Building, Uniform Sale
- 03.09.21 - Coffee with the Principal & PTA Mini Breakfast
- 27.08.21 - New Building Quick Facts, Events On Site
- 20.08.21 - Welcome Back Update from the Principal
- 13.08.21 - End of Summer Update from the Principal