We offer a rich variety of free and specialist paid-for afterschool club activities ranging from running to baking. There's something to delight and inspire everyone.

Extended Supervision (Early Years)

Early Years from 14:50-16:30 on Mondays to Fridays, please contact Kaja Emeršič (kaja.emersicljubic@britishschool.si) for further information and to register your child.

Parents are welcome to pick up students at any time during the supervision period.

 Supervised Play (Year 1 - Year 9)

Year 1-9 from 14:50-15:40
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
To register your child please contact the Leanne Barrett (leanne.barrett@britishschool.si).

After-school Clubs (Early Years - Year 13)

After-school activities run on MondaysThursdays and Fridays from 15:00-15:40. An overview of our current after-school clubs can be found in the tables below.

To sign up for the after-school clubs, please email the designated activity teachers via their contact in the table below.

Free After-School Clubs

These free after-school clubs are run by BISL staff on selected days and times during term time.

List of Free Afterschool Activities can be found HERE.

Specialist External After-School Clubs

Specialised clubs are offered at an additional cost. These are run by external qualified staff on school premises or in the nearby community throughout the school term.

Examples include BIMS, Horse-Riding, Arts and Crafts (Digital Art), Dancing (Hip-Hop, Ballroom), Sports (Skiing, Football). Some clubs may also run school break.


In order for students to participate in any after-school provision, parents need to register their children in advance through the lead teachers.

All after-school options are presented to parents in Week 1 and start in Week 2, after the registration deadline

For any activities or clubs where student numbers are limited, places will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Places are reviewed termly and parents are notified of availability.

Students should be collected promptly at the end of their activity via the Assembly Hall. In case of a delayed pick-up or emergency, parents must notify the school reception and the lead teacher of the activity before/at the end of the school day.

In case of a delayed pick-up or emergencies, parents must notify the school reception before/at the end of the school day, for their children to be put into extended supervision until they are collected.