Dear Parents and Families,

The new term has started well for our students. Many of our senior secondary students have been undertaking ‘mock’ IGCSE, AS or A Level exams during the past two weeks, and during the same period, our Primary teachers have been conducting their pupil progress meetings with you, our parents.

These activities are trying to achieve similar goals. The mock exams are designed to give our seniors the chance ‘to experience’ what public exams are like, to challenge themselves to demonstrate what they have learned previously, and of course to learn from their mistakes and challenges in order to improve ready for the ‘real’ exams that will take place in May and June. The main point is to ensure that our students understand the feedback carefully and adjust their approach so that they perform to the best of their ability next time.

In much the same way, our Primary Parent-Teacher meetings are designed to review your son or daughter’s past learning, efforts and achievements, as well as identify the next steps or actions that will enable even greater success in the future.

These important activities form part of what a good education must be about. Surely in life, all of us, at whatever stage of life we have reached, should reflect on our successes and failures, and challenge ourselves to improve, ‘do better’ next time. If we don’t get the result or outcomes that we desire, it seems important to learn, reflect and try again. Just like the famous spider that builds, and rebuilds, and rebuilds her beautiful silk web, trying over and over until we succeed is a wonderful thing!

Head Lice

As many Primary parents in particular are aware, unfortunately we have had regular outbreaks of head lice in some primary classes at the end of last term. This is both upsetting and frustrating for everyone involved. In view of that there are a few things that we can all do to prevent the spread of head lice.

Firstly, please can I ask all parents to ensure that children with longhair come to school with their hair tied back, and keep it tied back during the school day. This action is essential for all primary children and class teacher will be reminding their classes in the coming days and weeks.

Secondly, please can all families please check their child’s hair on a regular basis. If lice are found, every family must treat their son or daughter immediately following the advice provided by school. Please note that medicated shampoo must be used, careful combing and of the hair, must be continued until all of the eggs are removed. The hair then must be checked again frequently in the following days. On behalf of the entire BISL community, many thanks in advance for your assistance with this unpleasant but important task.

Y6 & Secondary Parent Assessment Workshop – Thursday 19th January – 3.10pm

As mentioned at the recent ‘Coffee with the Principal’ meeting, do please come along to our Head of Secondary, Mr. Travis’ interesting workshop on the BISL philosophy, approach and latest thinking on how best to assess student learning – Assessment is most certainly much more than just tests and grades.

The workshop will be held next Thursday 19th January after school, and will help our parents to understand much more about how, why and when we assess each child’s progress and learning. We believe that parents will find this most informative, and it will certainly help them to know how support their son or daughter at home, as well as understand why our teachers say, plan and do certain things. You are all welcome.

All best wishes for a relaxing weekend,

Matthew Cox


School Principal