A word from Mrs Železinger

Dear Parents and Students,

The final Primary parent-teacher interviews took place this week. The interviews offered the opportunity to discuss student progress at the end of last term and provide pointers for students to continue developing their skills throughout this term. Should parents wish to arrange further meetings, they can do so through contacting their child’s class or specialist subject teacher.

The Y3 classes and led the Primary Assembly on Friday, during which they presented their 3D models based on their current Topic of ‘Islands’ and demonstrated a volcanic eruption. This was followed by a beautiful recitation of the Winter Wonderland poem. Congratulations also to all students receiving the Star of the Week certificate and Emerald as this week’s winning House.

As part of this week’s PSHE theme, students have been learning about emotions and how these are expressed through body language; which expressions are universal and how we can recognise how someone else may be feeling.

The presence of head lice in schools is an uncomfortable fact of life. When lice are detected in a class, an announcement is sent home to all class parents with advice and guidance. Parents are encouraged to inform the school should they detect head lice in their child’s hair. Please apply the necessary treatment and check that your child’s hair is lice-free before returning to school. We thank parents for their cooperation in helping to ensure this does not become a great problem.

With expanding student numbers, we are very excited about the split of our Year 4 classes next week. We congratulate Ms.Pirnat on her role as the Y4B Class Teacher. Together with Ms. Harris as the Y4A Class Teacher, they will continue to provide excellent education for the students. Parents are invited to the Y4 presentation on Monday at 15:10 in the new building assembly hall to find out further information and greet the teachers.

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend.

Katarina Železinger

Head of Primary

star of the week

Class Teacher Reports

Early Years

The Early Years students have continued to explore the world of dinosaurs. The Reception students have been developing their storytelling skills using dinosaur masks while exploring books about dinosaurs with their friends. The dinosaur names were tricky to remember but fun to learn. Pre-Nursery students proved that dinosaurs are not just scary creatures and created happy little dinosaurs. They have been learning to hold and use a paintbrush and apply glue on the paper plates to stick the dinosaur body parts together.

In Maths, the Nursery has been learning about patterns and creating dinosaur footprints with paint..

Ms Kukovica

Year 1

We started off our week with a special visit from the Y3 students. They presented volcanoes they had made, which was in perfect connection with our topic lessons. In English, we first found patterns in rhyming songs and later moved on to finding rhyming words, which we did through various games.

In Math, we began learning about fractions with some help from our monster friend George. He asked us to decorate placemats for his birthday party, but he was very picky and wanted them to be coloured in his two favourite colours. This was our introduction to learning about halves and quarters of shapes.

In Topic, students did a great job presenting their photographs connected with sources of light. Together we explored the world of nocturnal animals.

Ms Miklavec


Year 3

Year 3 did a fabulous job of presenting during our live assembly in the hall with Primary students this week. Year 3 prepared their lines and presented Island dioramas made by both classes. We had an exciting end to this presentation when the Volcanic island erupted live in front of our very eyes! No students were melted or burned in these mini eruptions, but some paper houses, a paper snake and a mini beach suffered :)

Year 3 B cooled us down again with a wonderful recitation of a Winter Wonderland poem. A great performance by all earned them not only great applause, but a whole class star of the week!

Ms Spangl and Ms Blundell

Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been working extremely hard across all subjects. In Maths, we have been practising multiplication tables and students have been enjoying a range of activities that they have participated in. In Topic, students have been using atlases to locate different countries and they have been learning about the capitals of the world.

In PSHE, students have been learning about how to deal with disagreements and they all practised their debating skills when thinking about ways they can work together during disagreements. Well done Year 4! A fantastic week!

Ms Harris


Year 5

This week has been a very exciting week in Year 5. The children have been learning about Roman and Greek architecture and learning the history behind these important buildings.

In English, the children have been writing biographies about people in their families and we've learnt so much about Year 5 families from these. In Maths, we are reviewing time and the children are learning how to read timetables and how to convert am and pm times.

Mrs Thomas-Hayes

Year 6

The Year 6 class conducted several scientific investigations on solids and liquids, specifically how heat affects melting. We predicted which solid would melt the fastest and conducted experiments using different solids.

Results were graphed and conclusions were made about solubility and its relation to temperature and volume. The students were tasked to use scientific vocabulary in their reporting.

Mr Kokalj


Departmental News


This week during PE, we continued to develop our gymnastics unit, focusing on technique and routine structure. All students worked on the basic movement patterns required when taking part in gymnastics, developing their technique when moving the body and the importance of strength and agility. Students improved their jumping, rolling and moving skills - across a range of different group scenarios and were then tasked with creating a gymnastics sequence to perform for the rest of their class.

PE Department


Year 1 and Year 2 students in Slovene Intermediate group were learning about "Moje telo" this week. We did many different activities to make lessons fun and memorize new vocabulary.

Ms Jakop