Dear Parents and Families,
I write this update in my office as the rain continues to fall heavily outside. I have certainly seen a new side to weather in Ljubljana from the previous months of bright sunshine. It does seem that wherever we live in the world, we are experiencing increased weather most recently. We are fortunate here to have avoided the most serious consequences of this changing weather. Others such as those who live in Pakistan and Australia have sadly had more challenges. I am sure we all hope that things settle into a more predictable pattern once again.
I have received some great pictures of the Y9 and Y10 adventure trip. The trip has offered up outdoor activities, a visit to a military park as well those important moments for social bonding during breaks and meals. Thanks indeed to all the BISL staff who have led and managed these expeditions, with special mention to Ms. Fairchild Gojkovič who has organized all of the adventure trips for all Secondary students to enjoy.
Student Collection:
Please can I remind everyone that student collection time is either 2.55pm (after the end of lessons) or 3.40pm (after activities). Please do ensure that you collect your children on time every day. Our staff often have meetings and other work to attend to after the children have left school, so it does help us considerably if you arrive promptly. Of course, we understand if you are delayed on one-off, unavoidable occasions. In advance, many thanks for your consideration.
Head Students
I have had a particular pleasure this week as I have been involved in the interviewing and selection of those students being considered for student leadership positions in both Secondary and primary school. This is always an interesting and informative experience.
For example, the ideas put forward or discussed included peer to peer student mentoring, sports leadership, environmental education and development of the school (woodland, energy, food waste) as well as an increased amount of community service and volunteering – all meaningful and important.
Congratulations to the School Head Students – Ewa, Anže and Julia who were appointed this week, and good luck to the Primary candidates who will find out more next week.
Have a great weekend and stay dry!
Best wishes,

Matthew Cox
School Principal