A word from Mrs Železinger
Dear Parents and Students,
We have come to the end of the first block. It has been an exciting week, with students celebrating their learning through quizzes, presentations, creative projects and collaborating with other year groups. Have a look at the sections below to see what has been happening in each class. The first all Primary Assembly was held on the last day of the block, led by the Year 6 students. With the student leadership campaign now complete, and after collating all of the votes from both students and teachers, the roles were announced. Thank you to all students that came forward and congratulations to the elected candidates!
The head students of 2022-2023 are:

Class teacher report
Early years
In Early Years we are concluding our topic "Colours" with an outdoor colour hunt.
Year 1
We had a brilliant last week of the block! As we had a similar topic to the Year 5 students, we presented our habitats to them and they gave us very informative presentations about extreme environments. What a great way to end the block!
''In English lessons, we read the story of the Gigantic Turnip and later took turns pretending to be characters from the story. We practised asking insightful questions and used our imagination to give very creative answers. In Maths, we have been using various objects to practise the number bonds of 10.''
~Ms Miklavec
Year 2
''In English, the children outdid themselves by writing detailed instructions for how to make Captain Jack a pizza to assist him with his journey back to Treasure Island. Later in the week, the children finalized the topic theme of Treasures by making the recipes they wrote for Polly’s fruit salad and Captain Jack’s pizza. The children have done a marvellous job making healthy foods for their long voyage overseas.''
~Mrs Fordham and Ms Torrington
Year 3
Year 3 have transformed into meteorologists this week and made their own weather monitors.
''With the changing weather, they will be able to check the varying wind speed and direction and the amount of rain that has fallen.''
~Ms Blundell and Ms Spang
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have been finishing their games where they have been using their new coding skills. There have been some fantastic games created and lots of fun along the way.
''We have been writing and sharing our own ballads and evaluating our own work. This block has been a great start to the year and we are looking forward to the next block where we will be learning about living things and nature - time to explore!''
~Ms Harris
Year 5
The class have had a wonderful block and have learnt an abundance about extreme habitats and the animals and plants that live there. They particularly enjoyed making their dioramas and sharing them with Year 1.
Year 6
''Dear Students and Teachers
As the new head of the student council, I am very excited to work with the student council representatives to find solutions to problems and support the BISL community. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and I hope you all have a great block break.''
''We are very happy to have been elected for the position of Head Student. As promised during our campaign, we will strive to make our school even better for us. We will try and make sure that all of the Primary students enjoy their time at school and feel safe and respected here. If we work together, we are sure to achieve this.''
~Ela and Marija Franja
Departmental News
Departmental News
This week, students have continued to develop their awareness of net and barrier games, focusing on the importance of healthy competition and competing fairly. Being able to “Serve, Rally & Score'' across a range of games such as lobster ball and badminton have underpinned the teaching through PE this week. Students also continued to develop their focus on effective teamwork and how collaborating and communicating efficiently, can help them achieve the best outcome for their teams.
~PE Department
Happy European Day of Languages!
This week was all about celebrating the European Day of Languages in the MFL department. It is the responsibility of all of us to promote awareness among the public of the importance of language learning and protecting linguistic heritage.
Students across the primary were very engaged in participating and learning about the languages around the world. In Slovene Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced lessons we have done different activities. Students were enthusiastic about creating paper T-shirts about their home country, their mother language, traditional food and culture, they discussed why is it important to learn a foreign language, wrote different quotes about languages, read texts and listened to various languages and tried to guess which language is spoken on the tape.
There were also interesting activities in French lessons. Students are now ready to extend their sentences and discover more about French-speaking countries' cultures. For this occasion, students learnt a lot about French-speaking countries, places where French is an official language and where it is spoken, and they made many discoveries. Did you know? French is the official language of 29 countries in the world!
''A very warm congratulations to all students, who tried their best to learn this Block, and who got very involved in all lessons, both about the language and the culture.
Take a look at the photos and the work they've created!''
~MFL department
Uniform Information
1. Early Years - Winter Uniform:
• White or navy embroidered long-sleeved polo shirt
• Choice of embroidered navy V-neck sweater or navy cardigan
• Navy sweatpants
• Grey pinafore dress or skirt
• PE Kit and non-marking indoor sports shoes • Black socks
• Indoor non-slippery black shoes or plimsolls* • Outdoor footwear suitable for weather conditions and outdoor play*
• Fleece or jacket for outdoor play*
PLUS (as necessary)
• Rain poncho (to be kept in school for outdoor play)*
• Ski suit or waterproof trousers and jacket; hat, scarf and gloves in the winter*
• Suitable footwear for outdoors (wellies, boots)*
2. Primary - Winter Uniform:
• White embroidered long-sleeved polo shirt • Choice of embroidered navy V-neck sweater or navy cardigan
• Grey trousers or skirt
• Grey pinafore dress
• Black socks
• PLUS (as necessary)
• Ski suits, hats, gloves and suitable footwear for outdoor playtime
• Fleece jacket (optional)
3. Secondary - Winter Uniform:
• Collared embroidered white shirt/blouse • School tie
• BISL navy blazer
• Navy V-neck sweater or navy cardigan • Grey trousers or skirt
• Black socks
• Black tights or stockings
• all black shoes (must be closed, no colour)
Dates to Note
Mon Oct 3rd Block 2 begins
Thu Oct 6th Story Time in EY
Fri Oct 7th Coffee with the Principal Fri Oct 7th Teacher Appreciation Day Thu Oct 13th Y5&6 Atlantis swimming Fri Oct 14th Y3&4 Atlantis swimming Mon Oct 17th Y1&2 Atlantis swimming
All upcoming events and details are available on our website.
Other news
Student Council Representatives
We are glad to present to you the Primary Student Class Representatives for this school year. Students are very excited for their new roles and look forward to working together throughout the year.
• Y1 Judah
• Y2A Nour
• Y2B Zachary
• Y3A Sophia Julija
• Y3B Valeria
• Y4 Gabriel
• Y5 Jonas
• Y6 Head of Student Council: Yaren
Action Required: GDPR Forms
Please note that by law we are required to collect GDPR forms for every BISL student and family.
The regulations concerning have been updated and it now no longer sufficient to not reply to this request. if families wish to be covered legally you are required to return the relevant form and tick either yes or no. If you do not respond you are not covered - our understanding of the law is that families must actively respond in order to protect the GDPR rights.
Therefore, if you have not already done so, so please send back your form to your child's class or form teacher as a matter of urgency.
In addition, we would like to inform you that by ticking 'No' in any section (except school displays) is likely to mean we will not use your child's name or image in any related external school publications. We simply do not have the administrative capacity to manage student images otherwise.
Many thanks to all those parents and families who have already returned the GDPR form.