Hello BISL Community,

What a fantastic way for us to finish an exciting Block with our International Days! A HUGE thank you to our parent volunteers, who gave up their time and put so much effort into organising this great community event, with lively country stalls, fun cultural activities throughout the week, preparing delicious treats and creating a wonderful atmosphere to wrap up the Block.

If you would like to rewatch the live stream of Tuesday's Opening Ceremony, you can do so here.

You are also welcome to browse the large gallery of photos from Friday's International Fair here. We know that there is also a video compilation of the performances in the making, we're told to look out for this on the school's Facebook page and in next week's newsletters!

Coming Up...

The second date for our PTA Second Hand Uniform Sale has been rescheduled to Tuesday May 25 due to the rainy weather last week, so there's still a chance for you to purchase some gently used uniform items at great prices!

More info here.

PTA activities and events rely on the active participation of the community. Please consider heading up a committee or volunteering your time to support our school community. Reach out to us at pta@britishschool.si for more information or to discuss any ideas you might have for future PTA events and initiatives.

Have a wonderful block break!

PTA Committee