For one night only the students in Years 7, 8 and 9 at BISL will present A Midsummer Night’s School Dream, a new improved version of Shakespeare’s play, containing language you can actually understand, snatches of popular songs sung slightly out of key, and local settings that will add a novel and thrilling note of topicality to the performance.
What if the two completely imaginary Head Teachers of BISL and a rival school in Ljubljana were to get married? And what if some of the students decided to prepare a play in honour of their nuptials? And what if there was intrigue in the Drama department and The Head of Department’s daughter didn’t want to marry her father’s choice? And what if her father’s choice had been secretly wooing the Head of the English department’s daughter instead?
And what if Šmarna Gora were a hotbed of fairy activity?
Confused? You will be!
If you are still awake, and want the answers to any of these questions, come to the school on Wednesday, 24th January at 3.15pm fo´sr the single, only, unique, radio live performance of A Midsummer Night´s School Dream.
The performance lasts about 75 minutes. No refunds. (It´s free!)