Meet Mr. Siter, the dynamic leader of our EAL department, a former translator who ensures our students continually improve their English skills.

Briefly describe your journey as a teacher.

My path to becoming a teacher wasn't exactly straightforward, though it was always intertwined with teaching and similar activities. Even as a youngster, I worked with students at various camps. During and after my university days, I had various jobs like project and content management, translating etc. Just before I went into teaching, I translated a book by Ken Robinson, an education authority, which influenced my decision to enter the field. Before coming to BISL, I worked at the Montessori School of Ljubljana.

Why did you decide to specialize in EAL?

I've always had a passion for languages - whether it's diving into a good book, crafting my own stories, translating complex texts, or creating engaging content. Choosing to major in English and Literature was not a very difficult decision for me.

I am fortunate enough to work in both primary and secondary schools, which adds a wonderful variety to my daily routine. Teaching EAL students is both rewarding and challenging, as it allows me to help them grow their language skills and keeps me on my toes at all times.

What makes BISL such a unique place to work?

BISL is one of the few international schools in Slovenia, offering a unique approach to language learning that differs greatly from the Slovene system. Here, learning English as a first language involves less focus on grammar drills and more on creating content, persuasive writing, comprehension, and literature. I also appreciate the diversity of our students, who come from all over the world, as it allows us to experience a variety of cultures and perspectives every day, making our work environment rich and dynamic.

How would you describe a typical day at BISL?

For students, a typical day at BISL is a blend of structured lessons, interactive activities, and diverse subjects. Our approach might differ from other schools due to its strong emphasis on group work, project-based learning, and a more individualized approach. My day involves balancing teaching responsibilities with managing the department, building the curriculum, creating an online learning environment, answering emails, and planning my lessons to make them as interesting and engaging as possible.

What is the best part of your day at BISL?

The best part is teaching something creative and seeing students flourish. Even though teaching the same material can sometimes feel repetitive, watching them succeed and grow through my guidance is incredibly rewarding. It's especially nice when you get to teach something you really enjoy, something you're passionate about, and see that passion rekindled in someone else.

Why is the experience of an international education important for a student?

International education offers many benefits, with the most significant (in my opinion) being the development of a broad multicultural background. Students have the opportunity to meet and learn from people from various parts of the world, exposing them to a wide array of cultures, languages, and beliefs. This fosters greater empathy, understanding, and appreciation for diversity. Additionally, an international education opens up opportunities for attending universities around the globe and pursuing careers in a wide range of international fields.