On Friday 2nd of June, our school transformed into a vibrant hub of cultural exchange and exploration as we celebrated International Day.

This incredible event brought together more than 20 different countries, each representing its unique cuisine, traditional costumes, and artifacts. It was a true feast for the senses, thanks to the efforts of our marvellous parents who helped to create this unforgettable experience.

But it wasn't just about food. Traditional costumes played a central role in our celebration, showcasing the beauty and uniqueness of each culture.

As the sun shone brightly in the school playground, our students embarked on a journey around the world. They eagerly collected stamps in their passports and learned about the diverse cultures that make up our global community.

Through this immersive experience, our students not only learned about different countries but also gained a deeper understanding of the world and its people. They discovered the richness of cultural heritage and the importance of celebrating diversity.

The success of this event would not have been possible without the support of our dedicated parents. Their tireless efforts in organizing this grand celebration truly made it shine. Thank you!

Happy International Day, and here's to a future filled with understanding, acceptance, and respect for all cultures! 🌎🌍🌏