A word from Mrs Železinger

Dear Parents and Students,

There have been various trips for primary classes this week. The Year 2 students boarded a Pirate Ship on the banks of Ljubljana and ventured on an exciting treasure hunt on Thursday, as part of their Block Topic (see more information below).

Swimming days for primary classes were organised in the Atlantis waterpark as part of the PE curriculum. Students engaged in various water activities under the guidance of professional instructors to test and develop their swimming and water sports skills. Further trips to the waterpark are planned for Years 1 and 2 on Monday, 17th October.

The Year 5 and 6 students joined some of our secondary cohorts during a special Assembly on Friday 14th October. A presentation was held by the British Defence Attache to Slovenija, which encouraged students to think about the importance of Remembrance Day: to honour the victims of conflict (past and present) and to remind us of the core values which surely apply to us all; those of courage, discipline, respect for others, integrity, leadership, and selflessness.

We would like to thank the British Defence Attache for taking the time to visit our school and answer many interesting questions from both students and staff.

Wishing everyone a restful weekend.

Kind regards,

Katarina Železinger,
Head of Primary

Class Teacher Reports

Early Years

It has been an exciting week in the Early Years. The students became bakers for a day and made delicious vanilla cupcakes. The students learned how to sequence the process of making the cupcakes while following the recipe, using words first and next.

''We used all our senses in the process, and we must say that vanilla smells fantastic!''
Ms Gillespie and Ms Kukovica

Year 1

The Magic Toymaker has not shown himself yet, but this week, his friend Buttons the Bear has been writing to us. We had a lovely picnic with our teddy bears and during the week, we spoke about the features of new and old teddy bears.

In English, we have been comparing the story of "Dogger" with the story "Mr Tubs is Lost". We used specific question words, "who", "what", "where", "when", "why" and "how" to ask about the stories. In Maths, we have been using number lines to support us with writing addition sentences.
Ms Miklavec

Year 2

ARrr Me mateys!

Captain Jack ‘ere and faithful Polly the Parrot. What a trip the lil’ scallywags of BISL Year 2 had with us this week!

The children showcased their map reading ability by reading the map to get themselves down to the picnic point and to the harbourside. Each child did immensely well in continuing to spot all the incredible landmarks of this city from the boat’s edge and completing the scavenger hunt of identifying all the magnificent wildlife surrounding the river banks.

Year 2 are more than welcome back on my friend’s boat again and looking forward to seeing you all again next year!
Yours sincerely,
Captain Jack

Mrs Fordham and Ms Torrington

Year 4

This week in Year 4 we have been learning about time. We had lots of fun reading analogue clocks and converting them into digital ones. Next week we will explore word problems with time. In Topic we have been learning about habitats and what makes them important parts of planet Earth and how animals adapt to live there. It has been a great week and we can’t wait for the next.

Ms Harris

Year 5

This week the children have had an exciting time during their swimming lessons at Atlantis. The children had a lot of fun in the water and did a great job. The children also loved learning about inspirational leaders and discussing what they did.

Mrs Thomas-Hayes

Year 6

This week Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful day at the Atlantis city pool. The students had so much fun!

They swam around, played games, and just had a great time. They reported that it was really refreshing to be in the water and just enjoy themselves. We definitely made some great memories that Year 6 will always remember.
Mr Kokalj
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Departmental News


We continued our tennis theme this week during primary PE lessons, with students focusing on backhand technique. Students were then required to combine their forehand and backhand techniques in a rallying format. We also looked at the importance of effective movement when playing net and barrier games - focusing on recovering to a strong court position after every shot.

PE Department

Slovene Foundation

Y5 and 6 at Slovene Foundation have been learning about the time and days of the week. Students are now confident to ask and tell what time is it and are familiar to list 7 days of a week in Slovene. Later on they had to write what they usually do on each day. Great progress!

Ms Drofenik

During Y5/6 Slovene Advanced lessons the students continued working on abbreviation. We also learn about differences in capital letters in Slovene and English (e.g. days of the week, months etc.).

Keep up the good work, everybody!

Ms Kotnik