‘Think like the person you want to become.’

These were the final words of the last Secondary Assembly of the term led by Ms Maddison. She encouraged us to have a role model and to keep striving for excellence. As a school, BISL has been focused on doing just that. A large focus on the quality of teaching and learning across the school, raising expectations and an exciting new building on the way, it is an extremely fascinating time of change for BISL. Although always imperative to endeavour to be the best one can be, sometimes it is equally difficult and important to have a moment of pause, to just take stock of how very much progress has in fact already been made. It is a timely moment of the year to do this.

Reflecting over this term, it has been one of immense growth and development. Many new staff and students have brought a new and positive energy that was very much needed to incite evolution and progress. Sometimes change is feared, and it is often the fear of the unknown that can cause hesitation, however, looking back at where the school was and how far it has progressed, students are happy in the knowledge, support and guidance of their teachers and of each other. The reasons for the necessity of growth from the past have become more apparent and the goal is getting closer and becoming increasingly clear.

This term saw many professional relationships between staff and students forged, the rise of expectations and the many opportunities to celebrate students’ work. A new and improved reporting system and some very informative parent and teacher interviews saw the invitation extended to the students of Secondary for the very first time. Discussions are about the students and should include the students, as they now know, in the best possible way, what they need to do to improve. The school firmed up the roles of the student leadership, providing a description of the roles for the very first time and appointing House Captains also for the first time in Secondary. The house points system was increasingly promoted and celebrated, and this British tradition will continue to gain momentum as the school provides further opportunities in this area. In addition to all of this, the entire school has seen a smoother and shortened school day, allowing the opportunity for many after school activities to be offered to students and families. There have been many positive changes, that it is important to look back, smile and acknowledge the growth and hard work to come to this point.

This time of the year, I give thanks to the staff and all of their incredible work this Term, I give thanks to the parents for their support and understanding but most of all I give thanks to the students who are continuing to invest themselves into their education. It is, in the end, the choices that they make that determine the outcome of their schooling. Well done to all year levels for celebrating the end of a big term with the very entertaining Winter Shows. It was a lovely way to finish off. I wish all families a happy holiday, a merry Christmas and a productive new year, and I look forward to seeing students back and reenergised on Tuesday, January 7th.

Stephanie Andronikos

Head of Secondary

News from PE

We are delighted to announce that on the 09.01.2020 (Thursday) our school will host the FINALS of the Floorball tournament.

The BISL Floorball Team will compete against some of the biggest local school's of Ljubljana and try to get the best result possible.

The fixture table will be announced in the following weeks.

Playoff Teams:









Mr Damjan

Head of PE

Winter Shows

This week our Performing Arts block culminated in three Winter Shows, which featured students all the way from Early Years to the Sixth Form. The students presented a great variety of audience-pleasing music, dance and drama numbers with great energy and enthusiasm. What a way to head into the holiday season!

Weekly Awards

This week the Art department awarded Lila yr 7. Nikolas yr 8A, Begum yr 8B, Jasmina yr 9, Ekaterina yr 10, Rosmarijn yr 11, Eva yr 12 certificates for their fantastic work in their lessons, while Darja and Ajda of yr 13 were given certificates for their excellent work in the Sciences.

Thank you to Mr de Jong

We would like to wish Mr de Jong a fond farewell and a big thank you for his time with us over the past few weeks.He has been spending his time mainly with our humanities department although I am sure both teachers and students will miss his energy and positivity and we wish him well in his future teaching adventures.

Max’s Moment - A Student’s Perspective

Alas, we have arrived at the final week of term and are within reach of the long awaited 2 week break. Students are chatting away with each other about their plans and gifts for the break, teachers are slowly catching up on evasive sleep, and the atmosphere as a whole around school is a merry one. However, if we look at the duration of the winter break, we actually have a decent amount of time at our disposal and to take advantage of this time, I have compiled a few ideas that just might augment both your productivity and relaxation this break.

A most obvious point is to of course spend quality time with family and friends. The Winter break is ultimately about coming together with one another and being appreciative of all of the blessings within our lives and that can be best found with those who hold meaning around you. Get togethers, parties, family cook-outs and such are all imperative to your relaxation and therefore fulfillment of your break. Treating yourself to a good book, movie or even dinner can further augment these experiences, as making sure you are well rested and have prioritised self-care is essential to not only your enjoyment over the holidays, but also your productivity after the break, as a fresh start and mind set will help you accomplish set goals for the new block. And there we have it! Some tips to maximise your break, and truly take advantage of the long break. Have an amazing break and a merry Christmas!

Max, Yr 10