A word from Ms Andronikos

This week has seen a first in the history of the British International School of Ljubljana, with the entire school under the guidance of the Slovenian Government, Ministry of Health and Orbital Education moved completely to distance learning. Teachers were preparing for the past week in the event of this occurring, and as such teachers and students were prepared for this shift. It has been incredible seeing 100% of students in the Secondary school engaging with distance learning for their subjects and seeing the ongoing questions and feedback to and from students and teachers. I would like to express my appreciation for all staff, students and families for their support throughout this time. It might be from a distance, but certainly the hard work from everyone continues. On the website there are many shared examples of students completing work and I have seen Maths work, pieces of writing, Art pieces, readings and assignments completed and even films of Science experiments students completed with equipment found in the home! Well done for these efforts and for the many more to come.

Please continue to take all necessary safety precautions and I wish all families good health at this time.

Stephanie Andronikos

Head of Secondary

A message about IGCSEs and A Levels

Dear Students and Parents,

You may have heard already that Boris Johnson has announced that GCSE and A level examinations in England have been cancelled for the May/June 2020 series. I have been in close contact with CAIE, the examination board that provides both the examinations and the assessment of these examinations, to our school for the majority of our courses and the intention is that examinations will go ahead in the 160 plus countries that CAIE works with across the world, this of course includes Slovenia.

We as a school will be following the guidance of the health authority of Slovenia and we will monitor the situation closely but currently we fully intend to conduct the examinations in May and June at our test centre, at our school. Therefore, as things stand, students should continue to study for their final examinations, they should continue to work on the assignments as set by their teachers and of course seek guidance and feedback from their teachers.

Minor adjustments have already been put in place to accommodate the suspension of access to the school premises for the students such as delays to deadlines for submitting coursework but I will inform those students and teachers who will be affected by this.

If the situation changes, I will make sure I inform you as soon as possible.

Kinds regards and stay healthy,

Mr Batson

Examinations Officer

Story-time with the Principal

Mr Walton has recorded and shared his reading of three stories for our younger family and friends. Enjoy and please feel free to share the following as another example of how BISL is adapting to distance learning tools.

BISL Fitness Challenge

Dear Students, Parents and Colleagues,

The PE Department will send out many videos during these difficult times to give you workout ideas and to challenge and motivate you as well.

We would kindly ask you to take a video or photo whilst doing any of the exercises that will be published and share them with us in this FOLDER.

Just simply find the folder of the workout you have done and add your video/photo.

Thank you for all of the contributions and wishing you good luck in all of the workout challenges.

News from Science

Here we can see some examples of our students applying themselves to learning the sciences, not only through the medium of textbooks. Some of our clever students have found ways to continue practical work

News from English

Year 7 students have been working on Narrative Poetry with strong emotive language. They have been completing exercises on a poem called “Fox among the lambs” by Ernest Moll and learning one of the key BISL values of Empathy to his difficulties as a farmer and how he feels about the cruelty of nature sometimes. They have also been busy starting on some writing projects such as this lovely piece from Gabriella.

Getting older - Gabriella Yr 7

The tree started to sprout when I was only 4.

It was going to be with me all my years but I didn't know that then.

Through the many stages of my life it was with me when I started school.

Along with me when I joined the track when I was 14.

The years passed and I was getting older and so was the tree.

The only childhood memories , and events like when I climbed to the top and fell for my birthday parties and picnics under the shade.

I signed my name within a heart and hoped it would forever stay until the day I moved away to start a new beginning.

My college life was hard. I wanted to be a writer but that tree was my only inspiration.

The day I moved back my house covered in moss was not cleaned for years. They left the tree old and rickety .I saw a note saying this house was mine and found a swing attached to my tree waiting for me.

The tree was there at my wedding and was there for my little girl.

As I grew older the tree seemed to be younger I hoped all I wanted was for my daughter to care for the tree like I had.

Then to get the same inspiration from the old rotten bark like I had many years ago.

Yr 8B

Year 8B English have been completing a fascinating unit from their textbooks about the story of the Cottingley Fairies. We have been reading about these curious photos that 2 young girls , Elsie Wright aged 10 and Francis Griffiths aged 16, took in their garden in 1917. The photos appear to show the girls spending time with a group of fairies in their garden. What was the real story though?

Mr Eve

English Department

News from History

As part of Women's History Month, Year 9 have been researching women in history whose contributions changed their world and our world today. Year 9 have produced very detailed and personalised narratives of their chosen subject's life for the first part of their report. I especially congratulate Ole's work on Marie Curie, Asia's work on Maya Angelou, Enja's work on Katherine G. Johnson, Gracie's work on Helen Keller and Filip's work on Amelia Earhart. Keep up the hard work!

Miss Dascalescu

History Teacher

News from MFL

In the first week of distance learning KS3 and Y10 students were focusing on book analysis and variety activities, including some interactive games to review some grammar rules and challenging words. In times where the world around has stopped, reading a book is a great opportunity not only to practise reading and writing skills but also to let the imagination travel as well.

Saying that, Y7 students visited America, Y8 Italy, Y9 Australia and Y10 space. Don't worry, they are all ok.

''That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.''

Ms Kotnik

MFL Coordinator


Many of us are already looking for alternative ways in which to entertain ourselves at a time when it's risky to socialise and there is little access to places of interest apart from in the 'virtual world' available to us on line. Even if you are not a MEPI participant at our school, I suggest this might be a golden opportunity to get out of the house and explore nature. A walk in the countryside may not sound very exciting to everyone, but if you dare to pick up a map and compass to test your navigational skills, it adds some purpose to your journey. I'm sure many of you will have a suitable map somewhere, but if you contact Mr. Irving by email ( simon.irving@britishschool.si ) it may be possible to send a 1:25000 scale A4 size map of an area near you by email. There are apps available on line of course, and if you don't have a compass, you may be able to find a reliable app for that too. I include a link for an editable 'route card' for MEPI participants to practise with, and would challenge everyone to see if they are actually able to plan a route successfully. Best of luck to all!


The message for all MEPI participants is to prepare and practise for the expedition/Adventurous Journey (AJ), working on your route planning and map/camping skills, and perhaps identifying potential areas for your AJ. Also to work on your goals for the other sections which still require preparation. If you are able to continue with any of the other sections (eg. musical instrument for the 'Skill' section), maybe you are able to maintain contact with your mentor electronically, and record your progress, uploading audio/visual evidence to the Online Record Book? I'm still checking the ORB, and I'm available for anything else you might need via email. Use this time to be physically active. Regular long walks will help get you in shape for your AJ!

Mr Irving

MEPI Coordinator