Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky."
Kahlil Gibran

Here at BISL we aim to achieve the highest quality in everything we do. We try to live our values in all our actions. Environmental issues are more and more important every day and with that in mind we celebrate every plant – even the tree that was our Christmas tree.

Trees and forests are the lungs of our planet and as a responsible school we showed respect towards trees - reusing our last year’s Christmas tree and replanting it again after the Christmas holidays.

With empathy towards nature, we showed our deepest respect to the environment, especially in a time when big fires are destroying nature and wildlife.

Leading by example, we teach our students, with things like replanting, that we live what we teach – REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE and demonstrate our school values: RESPECT · EMPATHY · EXCELLENCE · CHALLENGE.

What a way to start a New Year!