A word from Mrs Železinger

Voting results have come in this week and I would like to congratulate all students that have been selected for the following leadership roles in Primary:

Year 6 Leadership Roles

Head Girl: Frances

Head Boy: Tian

Class Prefects: Anastasiya, Maša, Gala, Valentin, Aleksander and Artur

Library Prefects: Laura, Emma and Katerina

Journalist Prefect: Michail

House Captains:

  • Teodora (Emerald)
  • Connor (Zircon)
  • Badr (Hessonite)
  • Peter (Sapphire)

Students Council Leadership Roles

Primary Students Council Representative (Y6): Samuel

Class Student Council Representatives:

  • EY Marta
  • Y1 Sunny
  • Y2 Christina
  • Y3 Alana
  • Y4 Carlota
  • Y5 Maria

All of the above roles are extremely important: student initiatives, ideas and projects play a crucial role in improving student life at BISL and supporting our school community.

As part of the PSHE and Wellbeing Programme and this Block’s Performing Arts theme, students have talked about emotions and how these can be expressed through artwork. Did you know that as we develop, we begin to associate certain images with emotions? For example, we might come to associate a sunny day with playing in the park. When we make art, we share our own experiences of life with those of our viewers, thus making emotional art.

Vincent expressed his life via his works. As he famously said, "real painters do not paint things as they are... they paint them as they themselves feel them to be."

In Ljubljana city centre, the Christmas lights will be switched on tonight. I wish everyone a magical weekend!

Kind Regards,

Mrs Železinger

Head of Primary

News from Year 1

This block in Topic, Year 1 are learning about celebrations from all around the world. We have linked our new topic to art and maths, creating symmetrical calaveras masks for the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead. A massive thank you to all the parents who helped to decorate our classroom.

Stay tuned for Year 1's riddle styled Kenning poems next week.

Mr Hughes

News from Year 4

Year 4 have written haikus about natural disasters. Here are the jury selection winners of the haiku competition.

Buildings shatter down

Children screaming, shouting, 'Help!'

People die in fear.

by Nadja

Magma gushing down

People fleeing in terror

Their lives extinguished.

by Darsh

Crash! Explode! Erupt!

Boiling lava reconstructs

People's homes give up.

by Kristina

Well done to all!

Mr Blease & Mr Bishop

News from Year 5

This week, Year 5 have designed our own new and inventive animals with adaptations to survive in the desert. We have used the 24-hour clock to work our time intervals and we have completed a playground leaders course to help BISL on the playground next year.

Mr Walker

News from Performing Arts

Winter Shows

All students will be presenting music, dance, and drama performances in three shows at the end of the block. All shows take place at 4 pm in the Assembly Hall. Here are the groups for each day:

  • Monday, Dec. 16: EY, Y4, Y6, Primary Dance Club, Y12/13
  • Tuesday, Dec. 17: Y1, Y2, Y7, Y8, Y11 (GCSE music), Secondary Dance Club, Y10A staging
  • Wednesday, Dec. 18: Y3, Y5, Primary Dance Club, Y9, Y10B, Y11

Christmas Carol

Next week the Musical Theatre Club (individual students from Y2 to Y7) will perform A Christmas Carol, Wednesday, Dec. 4th, at 4 pm in the Assembly Hall. Come enjoy a modern take on this classic by Charles Dickens.

Mrs Reindl

News from PE

This block the Early years and primary classes from Y1-Y4 are doing gymnastics. The goal for all students is to explore their core skills individually and in combination. We will focus on developing stability when holding their own body position and when supporting a partner. Here are some photos of the amazing work we have done.

Mr Damjan

Head of PE

News from MFL

Here's a tip for this weekend for all passionate readers: Cankarjev dom hosts a traditional annual book fair (Slovenski knjižni sejem) where you can buy books, attend authors' presentations, interviews, conferences and concerts. This year's focus is on Europe, while the guest city is Murska Sobota. You still have the whole weekend to visit it.

Mrs Meglič

MyMachine Project Update

We are delighted to inform you all that the votes for my machine project have now all been cast and counted. The standard of entries and range of ideas from primary was outstanding. Congratulations from the science department to all primary staff, students and parents that have supported this and made it such a success so far. There was a consistent environmental theme with many of the inventions which is also a testament to the hard work from students last year in Science week and Year 10 girls who presented much of their work to primary students.

The final choice of concept will be announced in the whole school assembly on December 20th.

The MyMachine Team

Campus Update

We are delighted to announce that we are expanding the school campus at the British International School of Ljubljana for the 2020-21 academic year.

Read more here.

Mr Paul Walton


The Three Winter Godfathers

A huge thank you to ALL students, parents and staff for participating in our Three Winter Godfathers' Project. Thanks to all of you, BISL are already helping to bring joy to over 80 children this holiday season. We only have 20 letters left! These last letters are requesting presents that are more expensive than the previous ones, perhaps year groups/families/teachers could chip in to buy one present. Or some presents could be purchased secondhand here. Please don't forget to attach the code securely to the top of the wrapped present and tick off that you have brought the present to school, next to your name.

Thank you to the secondary native Slovene students who have been translating all of our letters.

Thank you as always for your continued support,